A display word processor (11) has the capability of emulating a data processing terminal for a host data processor (10) in an information processing system. With such a capability, the display word processor may be switched between data processing and word or text processing sessions. In this information processing system, the interactive display (17) is operable during data processing sessions to display a word processing message when a word processing task is being carried out as a background task during the data processing session. The word processing message may be displayed on a message line which may be shared with a data processing message. Alternatively, if the interactive display terminal (17) is large enough, the word processing message line may be displayed in an area dedicated to the word processing message.
A method and means for operating an interactive text processing system (11) wherein the system emulates a terminal for a data processing system (10) which is capable of accessing information from the data processing system data base, copying the information into the text processing system memory, and automatically converting the information from the data processing system format into the text processing system format. Similarly, the text processing system is capable of converting information from its own data base from a text processing system format to a data processing system format and transmitting the information to the data processing system.
A method and means for operating an interactive text processing system (11) wherein the system emulates a terminal for a data processing system (10) which is capable of accessing information from the data processing system data base, copying the information into the text processing system memory, and automatically converting the information from the data processing system format into the text processing system format. Similarly, the text processing system is capable of converting information from its own data base from a text processing system format to a data processing system format and transmitting the information to the data processing system.
A display word processor (11) has the capability of emulating a data processing terminal for a host data processor (10) in an information processing system. With such a capability, the display word processor may be switched between data processing and word or text processing sessions. In this information processing system, the interactive display (17) is operable during data processing sessions to display a word processing message when a word processing task is being carried out as a background task during the data processing session. The word processing message may be displayed on a message line which may be shared with a data processing message. Alternatively, if the interactive display terminal (17) is large enough, the word processing message line may be displayed in an area dedicated to the word processing message.