In the batchwise production of asphalt concrete only such aggregate is utilized, as comprises a coarse-grained portion, a fine-grained portion and a filler portion. The coarse-grained portion and the bituminous binder used are mixed in a mixer, and the filler portion is added to the mixer In such a way that it is has been taken up by and suspended in the binder film deposited on the coarse-grained portion before the free particles of the fine-grained portion are added. In such a way the thickness of the binder film and the capability thereof to take up the particles of the fine-grained portion are increased so that also said particles are coated with and suspended in the binder. An apparatus for carrying the production process into effect has a control device (30) to ensure that the binder film deposited on the particles of the coarse-grained portion has taken up the particles of the filler portion and has thereby obtained the desired thickness and viscosity before the free particles of the fine-grained portion are supplied.
Interfacial Engineering:"Technology to model, synthesize, charactericze, and understand, and manipulate interfaces including those between surface and bio molecules. The production of materials free from agglomerations/aggregatation, perfectly dispersed and stable in synthesis and application". (Reg Davis. University of Florida. (1999). The interaction between dust particles and the liquids of mixes in the production of asphalt and cement concrete, develops only when the dust particles are dispersed in the liquid. When force mixing a set mass of dust particles by the paddles of the mixer, an unknown portion of the particles are agglomerated and thus not interacting with the liquid. The reason for the invention was the requirement of the dispersion of the dust material before the particles are in contact with the liquids. The knowledge, methods and proposed means contributes to the invention. Force mixing of dust material is destructive to all durable properties of the products of asphalt pavings and cement concrete. The result of the invention is shown by the regularity in the results from tests on mix by the "TOD, Test of dispersion method" The requirement of the technique of the invention for improved dispersion of dust material in the poduction of said products was shown by irrigularities in the results of TOD test on mixes produced by the known methods of mixing.
The invention relates to a method for producing an asphalt mix that includes a coarse fraction, a fine fraction, filler and bituminous binder with the following steps in the mentioned order:
a) mixing the coarse fraction and the liquid binder in a mixer (10) and b) discharging the filler with a controlled flow rate to powder the binder liquid which is distributed over the surface of the coarse fraction with the filler and c) spreading the fine fraction over the layer of filler, wherein the discharge of the filler and the fine fraction is controlled in such a way that the filler and the fine fraction becomes enclosed in a combined suspension where the filler, the fine fraction and the coarse fraction are parts of a closed liquid volume. For improving the mixing method in such way that the time intervals and flow rates can be easier optimised to develop the closed liquid volume and that the production of an asphalt mix with still further reduced tendency to crack is producible, the invention proposes that the filler and/or the fine fraction is discharged into a downwardly directed material flow in the mixer (10). Further, a device for carrying out said method is described.
The invention consists of a mixing process for the production of asphalt mixes, that include at least aggregate divided in coarse-and a fine fraction, bituminous liquid and filler that replace the miximg process based on forced mixing, through spreading the bituminous liquid, filler and fine fraction over the surface of the flowing coarse fraction, in the mixer, in one layer upon another and that the thickness of filler and fine fraction is limited by the penetration of the bituminous liquid in accordance with the process of the invention that imply the binding to the surface of the coarse fraction, first a layer of bituminous liquid, and thereafter through penetration by the layer of bituminous liquid, bind a layer of filler, and further a layer of fine fraction is spread on the top of the layer of filler, and bond by the penetration of the bituminous liquid in a combined suspension where both the filler and fine fraction are part of the closed volume of bituminous liquid with the consequence of that pressure and tension forces on paving are resisted by the hydrostatic function of the, through the skeleton of aggregate, continuous bituminous liquid.
The invention refers to a method for producing an asphalt mix that includes a coarse fraction, a fine fraction, filler and a bituminous liquid with the following steps in the mentioned order:
a) mixing the coarse fraction and the bituminous liquid in a mixer, b) discharging the filler to be spread over the coarse fraction and the bituminous liquid and c) discharging the fine fraction over the filler and mixing, d) discharging the ready mix from the mixer, wherein the discharge of the fractions are optimized so that the mix behaves like a liquid in a test where a deformation of a specimen of the mix depending from the temperature of the specimen is measured, as known from EP 0 756 615 B1. For increasing the viscous resource in batch plant mixed asphalt pavings, the invention teaches that, for conducting step a), the coarse fraction and the liquid binder are discharged and mixed simultanously over a first time period. Further, devices for carrying out such method are described.
The invention relates to a method for producing an asphalt mix that includes a coarse fraction, a fine fraction, filler and bituminous binder with the following steps in the mentioned order: a) mixing the coarse fraction and the liquid binder in a mixer (10) and b) discharging the filler with a controlled flow rate to powder the binder liquid which is distributed over the surface of the coarse fraction with the filler and c) spreading the fine fraction over the layer of filler, wherein the discharge of the filler and the fine fraction is controlled in such a way that the filler and the fine fraction becomes enclosed in a combined suspension where the filler, the fine fraction and the coarse fraction are parts of a closed liquid volume. For improving the mixing method in such way that the time intervals and flow rates can be easier optimised to develop the closed liquid volume and that the production of an asphalt mix with still further reduced tendency to crack is producible, the invention proposes that the filler and/or the fine fraction is discharged into a downwardly directed material flow in the mixer (10). Further, a device for carrying out said method is described.
The invention consists of a mixing process where the known technique of forced mixing of the materials, in order to obtain homogeneity and penetration, is exchanged for a technique of mixing by the flow implying the use of the peculiarities of the materials, developed during the mixing process and that the peculiarity of the coarse fraction to develop a continuous flow in the mixer is utilized for spreading the other materials in even layers over the surface of the coarse fraction, were the water phase as a first layer on the coarse fractions surface, has the peculiarity to bind, to the surface of the flowing coarse fraction, an even layer of cement and filler and to penetrate the layer and thereafter spread layer of the fine fraction in one step and develop a continuous phase through the skeleton of aggregate particles and thereby disperse both large and small particles in a combined volume of suspension whereupon the peculiarities of dispersed particles develop the toughness in the glue phase of the cement concrete.
Interfacial Engineering:"Technology to model, synthesize, charactericze, and understand, and manipulate interfaces including those between surface and bio molecules. The production of materials free from agglomerations/aggregatation, perfectly dispersed and stable in synthesis and application". (Reg Davis. University of Florida. (1999). The interaction between dust particles and the liquids of mixes in the production of asphalt and cement concrete, develops only when the dust particles are dispersed in the liquid. When force mixing a set mass of dust particles by the paddles of the mixer, an unknown portion of the particles are agglomerated and thus not interacting with the liquid. The reason for the invention was the requirement of the dispersion of the dust material before the particles are in contact with the liquids. The knowledge, methods and proposed means contributes to the invention. Force mixing of dust material is destructive to all durable properties of the products of asphalt pavings and cement concrete. The result of the invention is shown by the regularity in the results from tests on mix by the "TOD, Test of dispersion method" The requirement of the technique of the invention for improved dispersion of dust material in the poduction of said products was shown by irrigularities in the results of TOD test on mixes produced by the known methods of mixing.