Techniques are provided for maintaining data persistently in one format, but making that data available to a database server in more than one format. For example, one of the formats in which the data is made available for query processing is based on the on-disk format, while another of the formats in which the data is made available for query processing is independent of the on-disk format. Data that is in the format that is independent of the disk format may be maintained exclusively in volatile memory to reduce the overhead associated with keeping the data in sync with the on-disk format copies of the data.
A shared-nothing database system is provided in which the rows of each table are assigned to "slices", and multiple copies ("duplicas") of each slice are stored across the persistent storage of multiple nodes. Requests to read data from a particular row of the table may be handled by any node that stores a duplica of the slice to which the row is assigned. For each slice, a single duplica of the slice is designated as the "primary duplica". All DML operations are performed by the node that has the primary duplica of the slice to which the target row is assigned. The changes are then propagated other duplicas ("secondary duplicas") of the same slice.
A shared-nothing database system is provided in which the rows of each table are assigned to "slices", and multiple copies ("duplicas") of each slice are stored across the persistent storage of multiple nodes. Requests to read data from a particular row of the table may be handled by any node that stores a duplica of the slice to which the row is assigned. For each slice, a single duplica of the slice is designated as the "primary duplica". All DML operations are performed by the node that has the primary duplica of the slice to which the target row is assigned. The changes are then propagated other duplicas ("secondary duplicas") of the same slice.
Techniques are provided for maintaining data persistently in one format, but making that data available to a database server in more than one format. For example, one of the formats in which the data is made available for query processing is based on the on-disk format, while another of the formats in which the data is made available for query processing is independent of the on-disk format. Data that is in the format that is independent of the disk format may be maintained exclusively in volatile memory to reduce the overhead associated with keeping the data in sync with the on-disk format copies of the data.