A picture pick-up or display device, respectively for recording a scene or displaying a scene image, respectively with the aid of a line raster formed by a plurality of horizontal lines which are consecutively scanned in opposite directions. The device comprises a line deflection circuit (1-4) in which the line deflection coil (1) forms part of a resonant circuit whose tuning frequency is substantially equal to half the line frequency, as a result of which the power dissipation is kept low. By means of a control circuit (7-13) it is ensured that corresponding points of scanned lines are accurately in line in the vertical direction, the control circuit being arranged for causing a zero-crossing of the line deflection current and a signal which is characteristic of half the video information of a line substantially to coincide. The control circuit comprises an analogue delay element (9) for setting the time position of this signal.
A picture display device for displaying a picture by means of a line raster consisting of a plurality of lines which are successively scanned in the opposite direction comprises a video signal processing circuit for receiving an incoming video signal comprising video information and synchronising signals and for supplying the video information of a line in one direction and the video information of the subsequent line in the opposite direction, and a line deflection circuit (H) for generating a line deflection current through a line deflection coil (1). To minimise the power which is dissipated in the line deflection circuit, this circuit constitutes a self-oscillating stage with its natural frequency which is determined by a resonant network (1, 2) comprising the line deflection coil and which is independent of the frequency of the line synchronising signal in the incoming video signal.