发明人: Serkin, Stuart , Martyn, Peter
IPC分类号: G06F17/60
摘要: A market system that includes an internal execution process is described. The system includes an order execution process that receives orders and matches orders against quotes posted in the system on a time priority basis and an order match-off process that checks if a market participant identification associated with a received order matched a market participant identification representing a quote in the system that is at the best bide or best offer price in the system.
摘要翻译: 描述了包括内部执行过程的市场系统。 该系统包括订单执行过程,其按时间优先级接收对系统中发布的报价的订单和订单,以及订单匹配过程,其检查与所接收的订单相关联的市场参与者标识是否与表示 在系统中报价是系统中最好的或最优惠的价格。