L'invention se rapporte à un mannequin de confection. Il comporte essentiellement un bassin (5) et une seule jambe (8) qui forment un ensemble recouvert de toile, destiné à recevoir les éléments du vêtement à confectionner, le bassin étant traversé par une tige (2) servant de support qui est emmanchée dans le tube creux d'un trépied (1) et qui est réglable en hauteur. Application à l'élaboration de pantalons, jupes-culottes ou analogues pour homme, femme et enfant.
A machine is described for testing, through repetitive cycles, at least one finished clothing product (C1C5), i.e. Completely realized, so as to simulate a plurality of conditions of use of said at least one clothing product (C1-C5)
An articulated dress form construction, specifically designed for patterning and testing cloth and hat articles for children and teen-agers, characterized in that said dress-form construction is designed and sized based on a plurality of parameters derived from a basic physical configuration, said parameters being processed by computer means, so as to provide mathematic models or patterns adapted to make a plurality of dress-forms meeting said requirements.