申请人: Pastwa, Jan Czeslaw
发明人: Pastwa, Jan Czeslaw
摘要: The present invention relates to a tool for eradication of invasive hogweed species consisting of longitudinal handle and characterises in that at the end of handle corpus (1) there is placed cylindrical ending (2), which upper part is stiffly joined with the handle corpus (1), while the bottom part (3) is truncated at an acute angle and it is sharpened producing a blade (4), additionally in a half of the ending (2) length there is an oval hole (5) located over the blade (4), whereby inside the ending (2) there is a cylinder (6), which bottom ending is truncated at the same angle as the blade (4) and the bottom end of the cylinder (6) is over the hole (5). Method of eradication of invasive hogweed species consists in that using the tool according to the invention, a hogweed stem is punctured just over soil surface, but not cutting away from underground part of the plant, whereby the most suitable plants are those with flower buds and with unripe (green) seeds; the procedure is to be repeated up 5 seasons at same site against all seed producing specimens in order to achieve complete the hogweed eradication at the site