Metering apparatus
    Metering apparatus 审中-公开





    Abstract: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a metering device of an inhaler including a pressurized source of medicated fluid and a measuring chamber communicated with a pressurization supply source for a liquid.
    SOLUTION: An aerosol generator includes: a flow passage 27 having an inlet 29 and an outlet 31; a heater 33 disposed relative to the flow passage for heating the flow passage; a supply source 37 of material to be volatilized in communication with the inlet of the flow passage; a valve 35 to open and close communication between the source of material and the inlet of the flow passage; and a pressurization structure 39 for causing material in the source of material to be introduced into the flow passage when the valve is in an open position. The aerosol generator further includes a source of power 41 for operating the heater 33 and the valve 35, and a control device 43 for controlling supply of power from the source of power to the heater 33 and the valve 35. The metering device in an inhaler 21 includes a pressurized source of medicated fluid and a metering chamber configured to deliver a predetermined volume of fluid to a heated flow passage in the inhaler.

    Abstract translation: 要解决的问题:提供一种包括加压液体源的吸入器的计量装置和与用于液体的加压供应源连通的测量室。 解决方案:气溶胶发生器包括:具有入口29和出口31的流动通道27; 相对于流路设置的用于加热流路的加热器33; 与流路的入口连通的待挥发的物质的供给源37; 用于打开和关闭材料源与流动通道入口之间的连通的阀35; 以及加压结构39,用于当阀处于打开位置时,将材料源中的材料引入流路。 气溶胶发生器还包括用于操作加热器33和阀35的动力源41和用于控制从动力源到加热器33和阀35的动力供应的控制装置43.吸入器中的计量装置 21包括加压的药液源和计量室,其配置成将预定体积的流体输送到吸入器中的加热流动通道。 版权所有(C)2009,JPO&INPIT

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