IPC: C04B14/00
CPC classification number: C04B28/02 , C04B2111/542 , C04B14/06 , C04B14/42 , C04B2103/54 , C04B24/24 , C04B40/0277 , C04B2103/00 , C04B2103/302
Abstract: PURPOSE: Provided is a production method of artificial rock with strength and material like natural rock by forming rock-shaped silicon rubber mold and filling GRC mortar on the mold with a cement paste. The artificial rock is used for preventing destruction of nature and restoring damaged nature. CONSTITUTION: The artificial rock is produced by the following steps: preparing a GRC mortar by mixing 80kg of cement, 56kg of sand, 24-30kg of water, 2.4kg of glass fiber, 0.8kg of water-reducing agent, 2.4kg of polymer, 0.8kg of an agent for controlling whitening, and 2.4kg of pigment; preparing a cement paste by mixing 15kg of cement, 3kg of fine sand, 4.5-5.5kg of water, and 0.45 kg of pigment; reproducing rock by coating the rock with wax, and using silicon rubber; covering silicon rubber with fiber reinforced plastic(FRP); plastering the cement paste on the silicon rubber mold; filling the GRC mortar on the paste with removing foams; curing and de-molding the GRC mortar from the silicon rubber mold modifying holes on the GRC mortar with cement paste; spreading water on the GRC mortar to increase strength, and curing. The above pigment comprises Fe2O3, H2SiO4, Al2O3, CaCO3, and C for coloring dark brown, and Fe2O3, H2SiO4, Al2O3, and CaCO3 for coloring pale red.
Abstract translation: 目的:提供通过形成岩石状硅橡胶模具并用水泥浆将GRC砂浆填充在模具上的,具有天然岩石等人造岩石的生产方法。 人造岩用于防止自然破坏和恢复损坏的自然。 构成:人造岩通过以下步骤制备:通过混合80kg水泥,56kg沙子,24-30kg水,2.4kg玻璃纤维,0.8kg减水剂,2.4kg聚合物制备GRC砂浆 ,0.8kg用于控制美白的试剂和2.4kg颜料; 通过混合15kg水泥,3kg细砂,4.5-5.5kg水和0.45kg颜料制备水泥浆; 用石蜡涂覆岩石并使用硅橡胶再生岩石; 用纤维增强塑料(FRP)覆盖硅橡胶; 在硅橡胶模具上涂抹水泥浆; 用去除泡沫填充灰浆上的GRC砂浆; 用GRC砂浆的硅橡胶模具修补孔用水泥浆固化和脱模GRC砂浆; 在GRC砂浆上撒水以增加强度,并固化。 上述颜料包括用于着色深棕色的Fe 2 O 3,H 2 SiO 4,Al 2 O 3,CaCO 3和C,以及用于着色浅红色的Fe 2 O 3,H 2 SiO 4,Al 2 O 3和CaCO 3。
IPC: C04B14/00
CPC classification number: C04B20/1077 , B28B11/04 , B28B11/0872 , C04B20/1092 , C04B2103/63 , C04B2103/65
Abstract: PURPOSE: Provided is a manufacturing method of artificial rocks with nonflammability, strength and water proofness by using GRC mortar as main material and cement paste. The resultant rocks are used as interior and exterior materials and reconstruct damaged nature. CONSTITUTION: The artificial rocks are manufactured by the following steps of: preparing glass reinforced cement(GRC) mortar and cement paste; reproducing rocks from natural rocks with a silicon rubber(3); covering fiber reinforced polymer(FRP, 4) over the silicon rubber; plastering a cement paste(5) on the surface of a silicon rubber mold; filling a GRC mortar(6) on the cement paste with removal of bubbles; curing and de-molding; reforming holes caused by bubbles on the demolded GRC mortar with the cement paste; spreading water and curing again to increase strength of the GRC mortar; coating water proof agent over the GRC mortar. The GRC mortar contains 80kg of cement, 56kg of sand, 8kg of silica hume, 24-30kg of water, 2.4kg of glass fiber, 0.8kg of water reducing agent, 2.4kg of polymer, 0.8kg of efflorescence controller and 2.4kg of pigment. The cement paste contains 15kg of cement, 3kg of fine sand, 1.5kg of silica hume, 4.5-5.5kg of water and 0.45kg of pigment, wherein the pigment comprises Fe2O3, H2SiO4, Al2O3, CaCO3 and C for coloring dark brown, and Fe2O3, H2SiO4, Al2O3 and CaCO3 for coloring pale red.
Abstract translation: 目的:提供以GRC砂浆为主要原料和水泥浆,具有不燃性,强度和防水性的人造岩石的制造方法。 所得的岩石被用作内部和外部材料,并重建损坏的自然。 构成:人造岩通过以下步骤制造:制备玻璃钢水泥(GRC)砂浆和水泥浆; 用硅橡胶从天然岩石中再现岩石(3); 覆盖硅橡胶上的纤维增强聚合物(FRP,4); 在硅橡胶模具的表面上涂抹水泥浆(5); 在水泥浆上填充GRC砂浆(6),去除气泡; 固化和脱模; 用水泥糊在脱模的GRC砂浆上由气泡引起的重整孔; 散布水再次固化,提高GRC砂浆的强度; 涂层防水剂在GRC砂浆上。 GRC砂浆含有80kg水泥,56kg沙子,8kg硅蒸汽,24-30kg水,2.4kg玻璃纤维,0.8kg减水剂,2.4kg聚合物,0.8kg风化控制器和2.4kg 颜料。 水泥浆含有15kg水泥,3kg细砂,1.5kg二氧化硅,0.5-5.5kg水和0.45kg颜料,其中颜料包括用于着色深棕色的Fe 2 O 3,H 2 SiO 4,Al 2 O 3,CaCO 3和C, Fe2O3,H2SiO4,Al2O3和CaCO3,着色为淡红色。
IPC: C04B14/38
CPC classification number: C04B14/42 , C04B28/02 , C04B2103/54 , C04B2111/542
Abstract: PURPOSE: A preparation method of artificial coral is provided to prevent water absorption and peeling of colored dye, thereby helping to preserve aqueous environment when used as a substitute for natural color. CONSTITUTION: The preparation method of artificial coral comprises: preparing mortar of a fiber reinforced plastic(FRP)(14); molding a natural coral by applying silicone(12) thereto; applying silicone 2 or 3 times more, wrapping the silicon-coated natural coral with gauze, and applying silicone thereto; covering the silicone with a fiber reinforced plastic; filling the mortar of FRP while removing bubbles to the silicone rubber mold; aging the FRP mortar and removing the FRP mortar from the silicone rubber mold; correcting voids on the surface of the FRP due to bubbles and the like, with a resin in order to prevent water absorption; and coating the inside and the outside of the resulted product with a waterproof agent.
Abstract translation: 目的:提供人造珊瑚的制备方法,以防止有色染料的吸水和剥落,从而有助于在用作天然色素的替代品时保持水性环境。 构成:人造珊瑚的制备方法包括:制备纤维增强塑料(FRP)的砂浆(14); 通过将硅树脂(12)加入其中来成型天然珊瑚; 涂硅胶2或3倍以上,用纱布包裹硅涂层的天然珊瑚,并涂上硅胶; 用纤维增强塑料覆盖硅胶; 填充玻璃钢的砂浆,同时将气泡除去硅橡胶模具; 老化FRP砂浆,并从硅橡胶模具中取出FRP砂浆; 用树脂校正FRP表面上由于气泡等引起的空隙,以防止吸水; 并用防水剂涂覆所得产品的内部和外部。