Abstract: 본발명은높은회수율로정수생산을위한막여과정수처리시스템및 이의운전방법에관한것으로, 가압형정밀여과막모듈, 나노여과막모듈및 침지형정밀여과막모듈을배치하고, 농축수를재사용하고이를자동적으로제어함으로써회수율을증가시켜톤당생산단가가하락하여운영비를감소할뿐만아니라기존공정대비적은부지소요면적이필요한장점을확보할수 있는막여과정수처리시스템및 이의운전방법에관한것이다.
Abstract: The present invention relates to a system and a method for a membrane filter water purification having a high recovery rate, arranged with a pressurized membrane filter module, nanoscale membrane filter module and a submerged fine membrane filter module. Concentrated water is reused and is automatically controlled, so as to increase a recovery rate and decrease production costs per ton. Therefore, operating expenses can be reduced, and a smaller facility site is required compared to a traditional process.
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及具有高回收率的膜过滤器水净化系统和方法,其配置有加压膜过滤器模块,纳米级膜过滤器模块和浸没式细膜过滤器模块。 浓缩水再利用,自动控制,提高回收率,降低每吨生产成本。 因此,与传统工艺相比,运营费用可以减少,需要较小的设施场地。
Abstract: PURPOSE: A water treatment system with membrane-filtration for generating purified water and a method for the same are provided to increase the collecting rate of feed water. CONSTITUTION: A water treatment system is connected to a pressurizing type ultrafiltration membrane module, a nanofiltration membrane module, and a submerged type ultrafiltration membrane module. The pressurizing type ultrafiltration membrane module primarily filters feed water. The nanofiltration membrane module is connected to the pressurizing type ultrafiltration membrane module and secondarily filters the feed water. The nanofiltration membrane module includes a transferring pipe and a discharging pipe. The submerged ultrafiltration membrane module is connected to the pressurizing type ultrafiltration membrane module or the nanofiltration membrane module and filters concentrated water from the pressurized type ultrafiltration membrane module. [Reference numerals] (AA) Collecting rate: 90%; (BB) Operation time(hr); (CC) Introduction pressure(kgf/cm^2); (DD) Total treatment flux(m^3/hr); (EE) Total collecting rate(%)
Abstract translation: 目的:提供一种用于产生纯净水的膜过滤的水处理系统及其方法,以提高给水的收集率。 构成:水处理系统与加压型超滤膜组件,纳滤膜组件和浸没式超滤膜组件连接。 加压型超滤膜组件主要对进水进行过滤。 纳滤膜模块与加压型超滤膜组件连接,二次过滤进水。 纳滤膜组件包括输送管和排出管。 浸没式超滤膜组件与加压型超滤膜组件或纳滤膜组件连接,对加压型超滤膜组件的浓缩水进行过滤。 (标号)(AA)收集率:90%; (BB)操作时间(小时); (CC)介绍压力(kgf / cm ^ 2); (DD)总处理通量(m ^ 3 / hr); (EE)总收集率(%)