Applicant: 안석진
Inventor: 안석진
CPC classification number: B21D53/88 , B21D5/0209 , B21D19/08 , B21D31/02
Abstract: 본발명은차량의리어로어암제조방법에관한것으로서, 보다상세하게는쇽업소버가결합되는부분을쇽업소버의경사진기울기에맞춰성형하는차량의리어로어암제조방법에관한것이다. 본발명의차량의리어로어암제조방법은, 부시가결합되는부시결합부와, 스프링을지지하는스프링지지부와, 쇽업소버가결합되는쇽업소버결합부와, 휠캐리어가결합되는휠 캐리어결합부로구분되는차량의리어로어암제조방법에관한것으로서, 제1 프레스금형을이용하여평판형원자재의양측을각각절곡시켜상기부시결합부, 스프링지지부, 쇽업소버결합부및 휠캐리어결합부를걸쳐형성되는리브부를성형하고상기리브부를절곡시켜플랜지부를성형하는 1차성형단계와, 제2 프레스금형을이용하여상기리브부를더 절곡시키는 2차성형단계와, 제3 프레스금형을이용하여상기쇽업소버결합부의리브부중 어느하나의리브부를가압하여상기쇽업소버결합부의두 리브부가평행하도록절곡시키는 3차성형단계를포함하고, 상기스프링지지부와휠 캐리어결합부사이에형성되는상기쇽업소버결합부의리브부는나머지부분의리브부에대하여 10~20° 각도의차이로기울어지는것을특징으로한다.
Applicant: 주영하이텍 주식회사
Abstract: 본발명은자동차용알루미늄합금크로스멤버성형을위한금형장치에관한것이다. 즉, 본발명은자동차용크로스멤버에적용되는금속소재를기존의철강소재대신알루미늄합금(TL100C)소재로대체하여차체의경량화및 안정성을동시에확보할수 있고, 특히알루미늄합금판재성형공법의특성을고려한성형해석, 공정별형상및 두께분포, 응력분포예측, 성형결함(살겹침, 스크래치, 소착현상, 스프링백 등) 예측등을통해알루미늄합금판재를위한성형프로그레시브공정해석기법을정립하여, 살겹침, 스크래치, 소착현상, 스프링백, 버어, 스크랩눌러붙음현상등과같은여러가지결함을방지할수 있도록한 알루미늄합금크로스멤버성형을위한프로그레시브프레스금형장치를제공하고자한 것이다.
Applicant: 주식회사 성우하이텍
Abstract: 밴딩장치가개시된다. 개시된본 발명의예시적인실시예에따른밴딩장치는, ⅰ)베이스상의양측에각각쿠션핀을통해상하이동가능하게설치되며, 밴딩성형할관재의양단부를지지하는하부금형과, ⅱ)하부금형에대응하여베이스의상부에승하강구동가능하게설치되는상부금형과, ⅲ)하부금형의측방에대응하여베이스의양측에상하방향으로회전가능하게설치되며, 관재의양단부를각각규제하고, 상부금형및 하부금형을통해관재를가압성형할때 그관재의단부밴딩각도만큼회전하는클램핑유닛과, ⅳ)베이스의양측에설치되며, 관재의양 단부내측으로밴딩코어를삽입하도록구성되는코어유닛과, ⅴ)베이스의하부금형측에설치되며, 관재의굽힘부위에가공홀을형성하고, 관재의내측에서밴딩코어를관통하는피어싱유닛을포함할수 있다.
Applicant: (주)광운기업
IPC: B21D31/02
CPC classification number: B21D31/02
Abstract: 본발명은상,하부로울러방식에의해피가공물을통과시키어연속적으로장공의피어싱작업을수행하도록하면서인출되는금속판체형상인피가공물이구부러지지않도록제어하도록함으로써작업의효율성및 프레스에의한단점을극복하기위한로울러방식에의한피가공물의로울러방식에의한장공의피어싱가공장치이다. 본발명은본체(10)에축설되면서구동부(20)와커플링(21)의연결에의하여회전하면서피가공물에연속적으로장공의피어싱가공을수행하도록하는가공로울수단(40)과, 상기가공로울수단(40)에맞접되도록본체(10)의하부에축설되어동력전달수단(30)에의하여피어싱가공이이루어지게피가공물을받쳐주면서회전되는받침로울수단(50)과, 상기본체(10)의상부에가공로울수단(40)으로피어싱가공되는피가공물이구부러지는것을제어하면서위치변환을갖도록하는누름수단(60)을포함하여이루어진것이다.
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及一种通过辊的细长孔的穿孔加工装置,其能够提高穿孔效率,并且可以克服冲压机的缺点,通过控制来防止金属板形状的工件在进行穿孔加工时弯曲 通过上辊和下辊法通过工件的细长孔。 刺穿处理装置包括:加工辊单元,当安装在主体(10)中时,通过连接驱动部件(20)和联接器(21)之间进行旋转,进行细长孔的穿孔处理; 支撑辊单元(50),其安装在主体(10)的下部以接触处理辊单元(40),并且被旋转以支撑工件,使得穿孔处理由动力输送单元 (30); 以及推压单元(60),其在控制期间使由加工辊单元(40)穿孔处理的工件在主体(10)的上部进行位置改变,以防止工件弯曲。
Applicant: 유성정밀공업 주식회사
Abstract: 본발명은프로그래시브금형에서댐퍼인너플레이트제조방법에관한것이며보다상세하게는댐퍼인너플레이트를불량없이효율적으로제조할수 있도록한 것이다. 본발명은프로그래시브금형에서단계별로드로잉되어댐퍼인너플레이트를제조할때 1차파일럿핀 피어싱을, 2차서큘러랜싱피어싱을, 3차아우어글라스랜싱피어싱으로진행하는이송브릿지를구성하여서상기작업을거친다음단계별드로잉작업으로진행하여제조할수 있도록구성된다. 상기본 발명은프로그래시브금형에서금속판재가진입할때 1차파일럿핀 피어싱공정을거쳐이송거리가설정되고, 2차서큘러랜싱피어싱공정을거쳐댐퍼인너프렐이트의테두리불량을해소하고, 3차아이어글라스랜싱피어싱공정을거쳐서소재의당김상태를균일하게하여두께변화를최소화할수 있도록하고, 단계별로드로잉작업을수행하므로서두께변화를해소하고파단등의불량을해소하고댐퍼인너플레이트를효율적으로제조할수 있게된다.
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及一种在渐进式模具中制造阻尼内板的方法,更具体地说,涉及一种没有任何缺陷有效地制造阻尼器内板的方法。 本发明在逐步拉伸制造阻尼器内板的过程中,使输送桥处理第一导向针刺穿和第二圆形穿刺刺穿到第三个沙漏穿刺穿刺以通过在上述阶段之后的拉伸制造 工作。 在本发明中,当在逐行模具中进入金属板材料时,通过第一引导销穿孔处理来设定输送距离; 阻尼器内板上的边缘缺陷通过第二圆形穿刺穿孔过程被去除; 材料的拉伸状态通过第三个沙漏穿刺穿孔过程使其均匀,以使厚度变化最小化; 并且由于通过阶段进行拉伸,因此可以去除厚度和缺陷等破坏的变化,并且有效地制造阻尼器内板。
Applicant: 희성정밀 주식회사
Inventor: 박용석
CPC classification number: B21K23/00 , B21D31/02 , B21J5/027 , B21J9/04 , C21D9/0068
Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing light metal plates for cell phones. As to the method for manufacturing the light metal plates for the cell phones, the invention comprises a step of: 1) compressing the light metal plates; 2) cutting the light metal plate into the desired size; 3) forging the light metal plate into bottom and side parts; 4) heat-treating the forged plate; 5) piercing the bottom part of the forged plate; 6) cutting and processing the bottom part of the forged plate to reduce the thickness; 7) washing the forged plate; and 8) anodizing the forged plate. The invention is to manufacture the light metal plate with the high intensity, reduced thickness and weight. [Reference numerals] (ST110) Extruding;(ST120) Cutting;(ST130) Forging;(ST141) Temper;(ST143) Aging;(ST150) Piercing;(ST160) Cutting;(ST170) Washing;(ST180) Anodizing
Abstract translation: 本发明涉及一种制造手机轻金属板的方法。 关于制造手机轻金属板的方法,本发明包括以下步骤:1)压制轻金属板; 2)将轻金属板切割成所需尺寸; 3)将轻金属板锻造成底部和侧面部分; 4)对锻造板进行热处理; 5)刺穿锻造板的底部; 6)切割和加工锻造板的底部以减小厚度; 7)清洗锻造板; 和8)阳极氧化锻造板。 本发明是制造具有高强度,厚度和重量的轻金属板。 (ST110)挤压;(ST120)切割;(ST130)锻造;(ST141)回火;(ST143)老化;(ST150)穿孔;(ST160)切割;(ST170)洗涤;(ST180)阳极氧化
Applicant: 김행곤
Inventor: 김행곤
Abstract: 본 고안은 슬리팅다이에 관한 것으로, 금속판(1)의 일부를 절개하고 그 일단을 축으로하여 절곡시키는 슬리팅가공에서 상기 금속판(1)의 절개에 사용되는 슬리팅다이(10)에 있어서, 원주형 펀치(20)가 인입되도록 상기 펀치(20)의 직경보다 미세하게 큰 직경을 가지는 원통형 펀치삽입공(11)과; 반원형 단면형상을 가지고 상기 펀치삽입공(11) 둘레에 등간격을 두고 형성되며, 상기 펀치삽입공(11)과 동일한 깊이방향을 가지고 연통형성되는 다수의 이격홈(12);을 포함하여 구성되어, 하향되는 상기 펀치(20)의 하단과 상기 펀치삽입공(11) 상단의 교차에 의해 상기 금속판(1)상에 상기 이격홈(12)의 너비만큼을 제외하고 원형의 절단선(2)을 형성시킴을 기술적 요지로 하여, 금속판의 하측을 받치는 슬리팅다이와 상측에서 상하이동되며 상기 슬리팅다이와 교합되는 펀치의 손상을 최소화시키면도 금속판에 원형의 슬리팅 절단선을 정밀하게 형성시킬 수 있고, 둘레에 다수의 홈이 구비된 원형관통공을 형성시킨 간단한 구조를 가짐으로써 제작이 간단하고 원가가 저렴하며, 하나의 원형 절단선을 형성하는 슬리팅다이 각각의 개별교체 또한 이루어질 수 있어 사용이 간편하고 교환 및 처리가 용이한 슬리팅다이에 관한 것이다.
Applicant: 기아자동차주식회사
Inventor: 최형복
IPC: B21D53/88
CPC classification number: B21D53/88 , B21D31/02 , B21D37/08 , B21D43/287
Abstract: PURPOSE: To provide an apparatus for obtaining effects of reduction in facility investment cost and reduction in facility size by enabling trimming operation and piercing operation to be performed on drum type sheet metals through one apparatus. CONSTITUTION: An apparatus(100) for trimming and piercing drum type sheet metals comprises a supporting body(10) on which a working object(11) is placed; a block member(20) slidingly mounted on the side surface of the supporting body; a punch unit(30) comprising a plate member(31) fixed and mounted on one side surface of the block member, piercing punches(33) fixed and mounted on an upper part of the plate member, and a trimming punch(35) fixed and mounted on a lower part of the plate member; and a die member(40) on which a trimming cutting part is formed such that the trimming cutting part is fixed to a position adjacent to the supporting body, piercing holes are formed on the trimming cutting part to insert the piercing punches into the piercing holes, and the trimming cutting part performs trimming operation along with the trimming punches.
Abstract translation: 目的:提供一种用于通过一种装置进行滚筒式金属板的修整操作和刺穿操作来获得设备投资成本降低和设备尺寸减小的效果的装置。 构成:用于修整和刺穿滚筒式金属片的装置(100)包括:支撑体(10),工作物体(11)放置在该支撑体上; 滑动地安装在所述支撑体的侧面上的块构件(20) 冲压单元(30),其包括固定并安装在所述块构件的一个侧表面上的板构件(31),固定并安装在所述板构件的上部的穿孔冲头(33)和固定 并安装在板件的下部; 以及模具构件(40),其上形成有修剪切割部分,使得修剪切割部分固定到与支撑体相邻的位置,在修剪切割部分上形成穿孔,以将穿孔冲头插入穿孔 并且修剪切割部分与修剪冲头一起执行修剪操作。
Applicant: 현대자동차주식회사
Inventor: 공호영
IPC: B21D31/02
Abstract: PURPOSE: A double piercing press apparatus is provided which is equipped with two cams so that two piercing holes are perforated in one piercing operation by simultaneously driving the cams, and in which the two piercing holes are perforated by one piercing process to reduce operation time and cost. CONSTITUTION: The double piercing press apparatus comprises an upper mold die(23) for pressing an upper part of panel(21) of the car body; a pad(25) mounted on a lower part of the upper mold die to fix the car body panel by pressurizing the car body panel during descending of the upper mold die; a lower mold die(27) arranged at a lower part of the upper mold die to support the car body panel; first cam(29) movably mounted on an upper part of the lower mold die and connected with the upper mold die during descending of the upper mold die so that the first cam performs piercing operation on a part of the car body panel; and second cam(31) movably mounted on a lower part of the pad and connected with the first cam during forward movement of the first cam so that the second cam performs piercing operation on another part of the car body panel, wherein an inclination plane(37) is formed on one side of the first cam so that the first cam is movable in a direction of the car body panel with the first cam being contacted with a pressing part(33) projected downward from the upper mold die, and first piercing punch(39) is mounted on the other side of the first cam so that the first piercing punch punches a piercing hole on a part of the car body panel.
Abstract translation: 目的:提供一种双穿孔冲压装置,其具有两个凸轮,使得通过同时驱动凸轮在一个穿孔操作中穿孔两个穿孔,并且其中两个穿孔通过一个刺穿过程穿孔以减少操作时间和 成本。 构成:双穿刺冲压装置包括用于按压车体的面板(21)的上部的上模具(23) 安装在上模具的下部的垫(25),用于通过在上模具下降期间对车体板进行加压来固定车身板; 下模具(27),其设置在所述上模具的下部,以支撑所述车体面板; 第一凸轮(29),其可移动地安装在下模具的上部,并在上模具下降期间与上模具模具连接,使得第一凸轮对车体面板的一部分进行穿孔操作; 以及第二凸轮(31),其可移动地安装在所述垫的下部并且在所述第一凸轮的向前运动期间与所述第一凸轮连接,使得所述第二凸轮对所述车身面板的另一部分进行穿孔操作,其中, 37)形成在第一凸轮的一侧上,使得第一凸轮可在轿厢主体板的方向上移动,其中第一凸轮与从上模具向下突出的按压部分(33)接触,并且第一穿孔 冲头(39)安装在第一凸轮的另一侧上,使得第一穿刺冲头冲击车体面板的一部分上的穿孔。
Applicant: (주) 한국정공
Inventor: 한용희
IPC: B21K1/00
Abstract: PURPOSE: A manufacturing method of rotor for compressor is provided which reduces production cost by manufacturing the rotor by passing general rolled steel through ordinary press for several times, and which is capable of positively coping with specification change of the rotor. CONSTITUTION: The manufacturing method of rotor for compressor comprises drawing process performed so that rolled steel blanked workpiece is easily formed; piercing process of forming hole on the center of the workpiece so that the workpiece is formed into a pipe; first and second forming processes of preforming an inner rim on the workpiece so that shaft of the compressor can be coupled to the inner rim; burring process of smoothly finishing an end part of the inner rim by removing burr produced on a part of the hole; third forming process of completely forming the inner rim; fourth forming process of preforming an outer rim by pressing the inner rim formed workpiece; fifth forming process of completely forming the outer rim by pressing the outer rim preformed workpiece; and sixth forming process of forming a stepped projection on the lower part of the inner rim and outer rim so that pulley is easily connected to shaft by the stepped projection.
Abstract translation: 目的:提供一种用于压缩机的转子的制造方法,其通过使普通轧制钢通过普通压机多次制造转子而降低生产成本,并且能够积极地应对转子的规格变化。 构成:压缩机转子的制造方法包括进行拉丝加工,容易形成轧制钢冲裁工件; 在工件的中心形成孔的刺穿过程,使得工件形成管; 在工件上预成型内边缘的第一和第二成形工艺,使得压缩机的轴可以联接到内边缘; 通过去除在孔的一部分上产生的毛刺来平滑地整理内缘的端部的翻边过程; 完全形成内缘的第三形成工艺; 通过挤压内缘形成的工件预成型外缘的第四形成过程; 第五形成工艺,通过挤压外边缘预成型工件完全形成外缘; 以及在内缘和外缘的下部形成阶梯状突起的第六形成工序,使得滑轮能够通过阶梯式突起容易地连接到轴。