The invention constitutes a telephony based electronic voice greeting card service embodied within an adjunct processing system communicatively connected to a toll switching office of a public switched telephone network. The voice card system comprises a service controller, a storage node, an attendant controller and attendant services. The service controller is responsible for automatic processing of incoming and outgoing calls to provide the functionality for capturing new voice card messages, delivering voice card messages and status query of previously captured messages. The storage node provides a database of captured voice card message records, and the attendant controller in conjunction with the attendant services function to provide manual assistance to users. The voice card system allows a person, through use of a telephone, to create customized audio greeting cards by accessing various greetings through a comprehensive menu interface. The person is able to personalize a greeting by using their own voice to record a personal introduction and good-bye, and has flexibility in scheduling delivery of the greeting to a future point in time.