A tape deck, which incorporates a non-contacting take-up reel rotation sensing means and associated sensing circuit for enabling the capstan and take-up reel drive mechanism. A magnetic field sensor is positioned across an air gap from a take-up reel mounted magnet to sense the pulsating magnetic field and control operation of the sensing circuit. A magnetic field interrupting means is caused to assume a non-interrupting position when the take-up reel is rotated in its proper direction and to assume a magnetic field interrupting position between the magnetic and the magnetic field sensor when the take-up reel and magnet are caused to be rotated in the opposite direction.
A retainer for an automobile radio receiver consists of a unitary spring clip member having an inclined abutting surface for mounting engagement with the automobile instrument panel and a release and locking portion for cooperation with a hand tool to release spring load and lockingly engage the tool for removal of the receiver.