A protocol for replicating replicas in a sync community. Each replica maintains a knowledge that represents changes that the replica is aware of. Each replica does not typically maintain knowledge about other replicas. The protocol includes messages that include knowledge about changes on the various replicas. Using the knowledge, the replicas can enumerate changes and send the changes using asynchronous messages that do not need to be received in any particular order. The protocol enables filters to ensure that a valid replication is possible using a minimum knowledge argument. The protocol also enables replicas to partially replicate using filtered knowledge.
The present invention relates to a system and methodology to facilitate security for data items residing within (or associated with) a hierarchical database or storage structure. A database security system is provided having a hierarchical data structure associated with one or more data items. The system includes a security component that applies a security policy to the data items from a global location or region associated with a database. Various components and processes are employed to enable explicit and/or inherited security properties to be received by and propagated to the data items depending on the type of data structure encountered or processed.
The present invention relates to a system and methodology to facilitate security for data items residing within (or associated with) a hierarchical database or storage structure. A database security system is provided having a hierarchical data structure associated with one or more data items. The system includes a security component that applies a security policy to the data items from a global location or region associated with a database. Various components and processes are employed to enable explicit and/or inherited security properties to be received by and propagated to the data items depending on the type of data structure encountered or processed.
Systems and methods for replicating replicas in a sync community. Each replica in the sync community stores knowledge that represents changes the replica is aware of. Because each replica has its own knowledge, each replica does not need to know how many replicas are in the sync community or the topology of the sync community. By sending the knowledge with a request for changes, a replicating replica can enumerate the changes to replicate by comparing its knowledge with the received knowledge. After replication, the knowledge is updated. Knowledge may also include made-with-knowledge change IDs that permit each resolution to identify what a replica was aware of when a particular change was made. The made-with-knowledge values are used to detect conflicts during replication.
Administering digital security is disclosed. Data and method items are stored on a computer system in a volume. The volume is divided up into non-overlapping security zones. Each item exists in a security zone. Security rules are granted to principals where the security rules apply to items in a particular zone. The security rules specify what principals have what rights; such as read, write delete and execute; to what items. Administrative rights can be delegated by principals by splitting a security zone to form two security zones. Principals who have administrative rights to the security zone assign additional principals to one of the security zones while maintaining all administrative rights to the other zone. Thus principals can retain certain administrative rights to certain items exclusively to themselves while delegating administrative rights to other items to other principals.
A system and method that automatically and transparently enable access to prior file or folder versions for a selected file or folder. When a file or folder is selected for version location, such as via a user interface, prior versions are automatically located and time data (e.g., determined from timestamps) identifying each of the prior versions is displayed. The user can then select a prior version for restoration and thereby recover from changed file data. The present invention can be implemented using remote file servers, or with local file system volumes. Prior to displaying the versions for selection, attributes of the prior versions may be requested, whereby only versions that actually exist can be displayed, and/or only versions with possibly different data are displayed, reducing unnecessary selection for restoration.
Rich structured data for items in a file system that allows different kinds of data to be identified by metadata is mapped into a set of search properties for a desktop search service, which is a flat list. This is applicable to any rich structured data that should be mapped into search properties for a desktop search service. Included is an installation mechanism to install these mappings and an execution infrastructure for utilizing the generated SQL from the mappings to extract search properties from items.
A protocol for replicating replicas in a sync community. Each replica maintains a knowledge that represents changes that the replica is aware of. Each replica does not typically maintain knowledge about other replicas. The protocol includes messages that include knowledge about changes on the various replicas. Using the knowledge, the replicas can enumerate changes and send the changes using asynchronous messages that do not need to be received in any particular order. The protocol enables filters to ensure that a valid replication is possible using a minimum knowledge argument. The protocol also enables replicas to partially replicate using filtered knowledge.
Rich structured data for items in a file system that allows different kinds of data to be identified by metadata is mapped into a set of search properties for a desktop search service, which is a flat list. This is applicable to any rich structured data that should be mapped into search properties for a desktop search service. Included is an installation mechanism to install these mappings and an execution infrastructure for utilizing the generated SQL from the mappings to extract search properties from items.
The present invention relates to a system and methodology to facilitate security for data items residing within (or associated with) a hierarchical database or storage structure. A database security system is provided having a hierarchical data structure associated with one or more data items. The system includes a security component that applies a security policy to the data items from a global location or region associated with a database. Various components and processes are employed to enable explicit and/or inherited security properties to be received by and propagated to the data items depending on the type of data structure encountered or processed.