Lip balm with spherical surface and method for producing





    申请人: EOS Products, LLC

    摘要: A lip balm applicator product comprises upper and lower portions that are connectable together to define the applicator product being of a substantially spherical shape. A support platform is located in the lower portion and accommodates a quantity of lip balm having an arcuate surface. A lip balm comprises a composition of waxes and oils in solid form and formed to have an arcuate surface. The composition is formed to have the arcuate surface using a hot pour process. A method of manufacturing a lip balm comprises providing a receptacle having a concave arcuate surface. A lip balm material in a heated, liquefied phase is poured into the receptacle. Once poured, the heated, liquefied phase is allowed to solidify such that a surface of the solidified lip balm material has an arcuate configuration that corresponds to the concave arcuate surface of the receptacle.