Powertrain, vehicle and method of performing a gearshift in the powertrain





    发明人: Geir Brudeli

    摘要: A powertrain comprising a transmission (2), a first electric motor (4a) and a second electric motor (4b), the transmission having an input shaft (1) to which a source of mechanical power may be connected, an output shaft (6) and a gear assembly providing at least two different gear ratios that may be selected for transfer of mechanical power from the input shaft (1) to the output shaft (6), the first electric motor (4a) is connected to the input shaft (1), such that torque and rotation may be transferred between the first electric motor and the input shaft, and the second electric motor (4b) is connected to the input shaft (1) via a first clutch (5a), such that torque and rotation may be transferred between the second electric motor (4b) and the input shaft (1), and connected to the output shaft (6) via a second clutch (5b), such that torque and rotation may be transferred between the second electric motor (4b) and the output shaft (6), wherein the first electric motor (4a) is connected to the second electric motor (4b) via the first clutch (5a).






    发明人: Geir Brudeli

    摘要: The present invention provides a powertrain comprising a transmission (2), a first electric motor (4a) and a second electric motor (4b), wherein the transmission comprises an input shaft (1) to which a source of mechanical power may be connected, an output shaft (6) and a gear assembly providing at least two different gear ratios that may be selected for transfer of mechanical power from the input shaft (1) to the output shaft (6), the first electric motor (4a) is connected to the input shaft (1), such that torque and rotation may be transferred between the first electric motor and the input shaft, and the second electric motor (4b) is connected to the input shaft (1) via a first clutch (5a), such that torque and rotation may be transferred between the second electric motor (4b) and the input shaft (1), and connected to the output shaft (6) via a second clutch (5b), such that torque and rotation may be transferred between the second electric motor (4b) and the output shaft (6), wherein the first electric motor (4a) is connected to the second electric motor (4b) via the first clutch (5a).

    Hybrid power Train





    发明人: Geir Brudeli

    摘要: The present invention provides a hybrid powertrain comprising an internal combustion engine (ICE), a transmission (2), a first electric motor (4a) and a second electric motor (4b), wherein the transmission comprises an input shaft (1) to which the ICE is connected via a main clutch (3), an output shaft (6) and a gear assembly providing at least two different gear ratios that may be selected for transfer of mechanical power from the input shaft (1) to the output shaft (6), the first electric motor (4a) is connected to the input shaft (1) via a first gear (ix), such that torque and rotation may be transferred between the first electric motor and the input shaft, and the second electric motor (4b) is connected to the input shaft (1) via a first clutch (5a) and the first gear (ix), such that torque and rotation may be transferred between the second electric motor (4b) and the input shaft (1), and connected to the output shaft (6) via a second clutch (5b) and a second gear (iy), such that torque and rotation may be transferred between the second electric motor (4b) and the output shaft (6), wherein the first electric motor (4a) is connected to the second electric motor (4b) via the first clutch (5a), and the first electric motor (4a), the second electric motor (4b), the first clutch (5a) and the second clutch (5b) form parts of a torque transfer path bypassing the at least two different gear ratios, the torque transfer path arranged to transfer torque from the input shaft (1) to the output shaft (6) during a gearshift.