An ultrasonic liquid level detector mounted in a fill pipe cap. The ultrasonic detector mounted in a fill pipe cap (10) is used in determining a level and/or the volume of a liquid (5) stored in an underground storage tank (20). The fill pipe cap contains an ultrasonic ranging unit (50) that measures a time, T.sub.L, required for an ultrasonic pulse to travel round trip between an ultrasonic transducer/receiver (54) and the surface of the liquid in the tank. A reference reflector (25) disposed within a fill pipe (30) is used in determining a reference time, T.sub.R, that is included in a non-linear expression, e.sup..alpha. .multidot.T.sub.L.sup..beta..sbsp.1 .multidot.T.sub.R.sup..beta..sbsp.2, in order to compute the level of liquid in the storage tank. The terms e.sup..alpha., .beta..sub.1, and .beta..sub.2 comprise a correction for errors in the round-trip times T.sub.L and T.sub.R caused by a non-uniform vapor density of the liquid along the path traveled by the ultrasonic pulses.
A liquid volumetric flow measuring apparatus is disclosed wherein a turbine or vane, flow straighteners therefor, and a rotating shaft mounted therewith, and a magnetic sender are all mounted as an integral unit in a U-shaped pipe trap, and a volumetric calculator is mounted in conjunction therewith. By a specific mounting of the turbine in the trap there is a dampening action causing the calculator to cease recording the flow immediately upon this stopping of the motion of the liquid through the trap. This construction provides a guard against any air which is pumped through the pipe being recorded as liquid in contradistinction to a gaseous fluid. The magnetic sender has a reed switch and a magnet which are specifically mounted so as to provide low angular momentum and reliability, at both high and low flow rates. The present invention is particularly useful in fuel delivery, wherein the liquid volumetric flowmeter is mounted within the system of the party to whom the fuel is delivered, and permits the party to accurately record the liquid fuel actually delivered, and to guard against being charged for air flow from the fuel supplier's pump.