A method of formulating a strong oxidizing solution comprising formulating a strong oxidizing solution having from about 2 to about 5 percent PDSA with concentrated sulfuric acid in the ratio of from about 1:8 to about 1:20 parts by volume and storing the strong oxidizing solution in a container having a space over the solution containing one of a vacuum or a non-oxidizing atmosphere inert to the oxidizing solution. The amount of PDSA is preferably about 4 percent by volume and the ratio is preferably about 1:10 parts by volume. The space over the strong oxidizing solution is preferably a vacuum or substantially all nitrogen. Hydrogen peroxide can be substituted for the PDSA in which case the method comprises formulating a strong oxidizing solution having from about 40 to about 60 percent hydrogen peroxide with concentrated sulfuric acid in the ratio of from about 1:8 to about 1:20 parts by volume and storing the strong oxidizing solution in a container having a space over the solution containing one of a vacuum or a non-oxidizing atmosphere inert to the oxidizing solution.