A dental prostheses modeling system includes a molding tray for molding the base of a quadrant or full-arch dental model cast which has a longitudinally disposed partition panel disposed generally between upper and lower surfaces of the tray that forms therewithin an upper well for receiving liquid die stone to mold the base of a dental impression model, and a lower well shaped symmetrically to the upper well for providing clearance for optional manipulating pins installable in the bases of selected die segments modeling individual dental prostheses severed from the hardened die stone base of the model. The partition panel includes peripheral flanges for supporting the base of the dental model, and an openable central portion for enabling a hardened dental model to be ejected from the tray, and for providing access for manipulating pins depending downwardly from die segments. A pair of slide receptacles for slidably receiving a modeling tray is removably attachable to upper and lower arms of a laboratory articulator, from which a pair of molding trays holding a pair of dental models can be slidably removed and attached to a disposable hinge mechanism to comprise a articulateable full-mouth model for a dentist and patient.