The circuit disclosed can be used to process synchronous video signals, especially those coming from two standard CCD sensors. It comprises two channels connected at the output to the two inputs, respectively, of an adder circuit which gives the mixed video signal. The first channel comprises a subtractor circuit which receives the two video signals, a high-frequency filter circuit to eliminate the low-frequency spectrum ranging between 0 and a determined limit frequency, an amplifier circuit to balance the gain of the two channels and a fast change-over/sampler circuit connected to the first input of the adder during half of each dot cycle, while the second input of the adder continually receives one of the video signals. The mixed signal thus comprises an unchanged low-frequency component which eliminates faults in the sensors related to non-homogeneity. The high-frequency component recovered corresponds to the first signal during the first half of the dot cycle and to the second signal during the second half of the dot cycle.