In one embodiment, the present invention sends SNMP queries to sets and/or ranges of IP numbers to determine whether a network device exists at each IP number and whether the network device has IP forwarding capabilities. The set of IP numbers searched may be specified by specifying ranges or subnets or by providing a list of discrete IP numbers. When a new network device with IP forwarding capabilities is discovered, that network device is added to a list of discovered network devices. The list is displayed to the network manager. In one embodiment, in addition to discovering newly added devices via IP number polling, the invention also discovers newly added devices from SNMP messages (“traps”) broadcast by a newly added device. In one embodiment, each network device discovered as a result of a SNMP trap is added to the newly discovered device list.
The present invention comprises a method and apparatus for automatic discovery of logical links between network devices. In one embodiment, the present invention comprises part of a network management system (“NM”) that manages a discrete set of network devices. The NM sends SNMP queries to individual network devices managed by the NM to obtain interface configuration data for each of the network interfaces of the device. The information requested includes destination information (“next hop” or “neighbor” IP address) for data packets sent from the interface. The NM checks to see whether a logical link corresponding to the received configuration information already exists in a logical link database maintained by the NM. If such a link exists the NM checks to see if the existing information for the link is valid. If the existing link data is valid, no change is made. If the existing information is not valid, or if no corresponding link is found in the link database, the NM creates a new link corresponding to the new configuration information. In one or more embodiments, the NM displays a graphical view of the discovered IP links on a graphical network map.
Methods and apparatus for controllably suppressing, at a network management system, SNMP event trap messages received from network nodes in a communications network are presented. The rate at which the traps are received from the network nodes is monitored and if the rate exceeds a threshold all subsequent traps received over a set time interval are not processed. The rate is calculated by counting received event traps over a time interval which is either preset or programmed. After the set time interval has passed all newly received traps are monitored. Information regarding traps received during the set time interval may be logged. Additionally, nodes from which excessive traps are received and indicating an event such as a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, are identified so that remedial action can be taken.