Explosive assemblies and method of utilizing the same
    Explosive assemblies and method of utilizing the same 失效





    CPC classification number: F42B12/18 E21B43/117 F42B3/22 H04Q11/0407

    Abstract: 1. In an explosive assembly, in combination, primary and secondary explosive charges; directing means common to both of said charges and cooperating therewith for directing the blasts from both of said charges along the same path in the same direction toward a given target; and means operatively connected to both charges for igniting said secondary explosive charge at an interval of 10-150 microseconds subsequent to the ignition of said primary charge, whereby the blast from said secondary charge will enter an area which has previously been entered by the blast of said primary charge to augment the destructive effects of said primary charge.

    Abstract translation: 1.在爆炸性组合中,主要和次要爆炸物的组合; 两个所述电荷共同的导向装置,与之配合用于引导来自两个所述电荷的原始物沿相同方向朝向给定目标; 以及可操作地连接到两个电荷的装置,用于在所述主要电荷的点燃之后以10-150微秒的间隔点燃所述次级炸药,从而来自所述次级电荷的爆炸将进入先前通过爆炸进入的区域 所述主要电荷是增加所述主电荷的破坏作用。

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