In the method according to the invention for separating mercury from waste gases of a cement production process, the mercury is sorbed on a sorbent, the sorbent is subsequently discharged from the process and supplied to a discharge reactor which is operated with a carrier gas. The sorbent is heated there to temperatures of more than 250° C. so that the mercury is discharged from the sorbent and changed into the gas phase, the gas of the discharge reactor that has accumulated mercury subsequently having the dust removed from it in a preliminary dust removal device, and only a part-flow of the gas which has been enriched and had the dust removed from it in this manner being drawn off at high temperatures and cleaned in a subsequent sorption stage, whilst the remaining part-flow is brought to the temperature required for the discharge of the mercury in the discharge reactor in a heat transfer system and is again supplied as a carrier gas to the discharge reactor.
In the method according to the invention for separating mercury from waste gases of a cement production process, the mercury is sorbed on a sorbent, the sorbent is subsequently discharged from the process and supplied to a discharge reactor which is operated with a carrier gas. The sorbent is heated there to temperatures of more than 250° C. so that the mercury is discharged from the sorbent and changed into the gas phase, the gas of the discharge reactor that has accumulated mercury subsequently having the dust removed from it in a preliminary dust removal device, and only a part-flow of the gas which has been enriched and had the dust removed from it in this manner being drawn off at high temperatures and cleaned in a subsequent sorption stage, whilst the remaining part-flow is brought to the temperature required for the discharge of the mercury in the discharge reactor in a heat transfer system and is again supplied as a carrier gas to the discharge reactor.