139,822. Siemens - Schuckertwerke. Dec. 5, 1914, [Convention date]. Systems for continuous-current motors only.- The difference between the outputs of two storage batteries a, b is indicated directly by a quantity meter h oppositely influenced by current therefrom, which meter also indicates from which battery the greater output has been taken. By means of switches s, t and a change-over switch u, either of the batteries a, b may be connected to the motor m of an electrically-driven submarine, or both may be connected in series for higher speeds. The meter pointer may close the circuit of a bell or other signalling device when the maximum permissible difference in output has been taken from either battery, thus indicating when the switch u should be changed over. The meter h may be adapted to be placed in both battery circuits, or in a circuit conveying the difference of their currents, as shown.