A client-server system includes a new front end server which interposes itself between a prior (back end) server and its clients using an interposed dynamically-loaded library linked to the back end. The interposed library and front end can provide enhanced services without requiring reconfiguration of either the back end server or its clients. The front end can accept network connections on the same port as the back end server is programmed to. The interposed library intercepts standard network system calls by the back end and emulates their behavior by communicating with the front end. The front end can send file descriptors of either direct connections with clients, or of pipes for relaying requests and response from and to clients through the front end, to the interposed library for return to calls by the back end to accept connections. The capabilities which the front end can provide include caching, protocol conversion, session affinity, filtering, traffic conversion, and spreading load between multiple back end processes.
A lottery by phone system which permits a caller to place bets with a state's existing lottery computer system via a telephone call from a touch-tone telephone which is connected via the public telephone network to a voice response unit which decodes touch-tones entered by the caller. The voice response unit prompts the caller with preprogrammed digitized audio messages and has each caller identified via a unique identification number. It permits such a caller to select which game to place a bet with and to have the option of picking their own numbers or having the system randomly pick numbers for them. It allows the caller to collect their winnings using a touch tone telephone via another telephone call, and to have the automatic interaction with the caller handle data entry errors, and to have caller queries regarding previous such bets answered by an operator. The system communicates with the existing state lottery computer via emulation of the existing communications protocol used between the existing state lottery computer and on-line terminals and performs automatic high level error recovery beyond the specifications of that communications protocol.