A bidirectional serial TDM backplanenullUTOPIA interface contains an ATM cell boundary location and transmit flow control mechanism, to provide for the efficient capture and storage of ATM cells from a serial TDM channel. Once stored in a transmit buffer, individual ATM cells are controllably read out for application to a downstream UTOPIA interface. In the upstream direction from the UTOPIA bus toward the serial TDM backplane, ATM cells are stored in a multi-cell receive buffer, so that they may be serialized for application to the TDM backplane. In the absence of ATM data cells to transfer, unfilled timeslots are filled with idle cells to maintain the ATM bus active.
A shared T1/E1 signaling bit processor interfaces with either T1 or E1 traffic, and controllably performs robbed bit signal extraction and insertion for T1/E1 signaling protocol using a common set of input/output circuitry and associated decode/control logic therefor. A receiver subsystem controllably samples and extracts signaling bits from selected time slots within serial frames of data incoming from the network to the DTE for delivery to the control processor; a transmitter subsystem controllably inserts signaling bits into selected signaling channels of serial frames of data outgoing from the DTE to the network.
A programmable network-DTE interface integrates T1/E1 framer, data pump and microprocessor components into a common subsystem chip architecture, and interfaces each of these components by means of a user programmable multiplexing subsystem, so as to allow any of the functional blocks of the architecture to be selectively enabled or disabled/by-passed by the user.