An object oriented transaction processing system based on the Object Management Group Object Management Architecture provides effective transaction scheduling and servicing through a combination of Object Transaction Services and a Transactional Object Request Broker. The Object Transactional Services manage the information needed to provide reliability in transactions, including a two phase commit process to implement transaction atomicity. The transactional Object Request Broker includes a transaction monitor facility to schedule objects to respond to object transaction requests. The tunable transaction monitor increases the efficiency of transaction processing by optimizing use of computer system resources allocated to servicing transactions. The transaction monitor activates the objects necessary to satisfy a transaction request. Activation includes an ability to start new processes or threads of execution or to reuse existing processes or threads. The transaction monitor interfaces to the Object Request Broker are clearly defined allowing substitution of different transaction monitors as dictated by the application.
A system and process for enhancing procedural software using object oriented classes. Implementation classes are constructed that provide a defined object oriented interface to applications and are able to invoke the procedural software using defined procedural application program interfaces (APIs). New function is added to the software by adding classes that interface to the implementation classes or directly to the procedural API. The new function builds upon the procedural software without accessing the procedural software source code or modifying that source code.
A system and method for efficiently employing procedural transaction managers from an object oriented transaction processing system. Implementation classes are introduced to bridge selected functions from an object oriented transaction processing system into a procedural system. Bridging allows both the reuse of existing procedural transaction managers and interoperation between procedural and object transactions systems which eases migration to new object oriented systems. Implementation classes include methods necessary to manage information necessary to use a procedural transaction API and to manage information returned by the procedural API.
A system and method for reducing message traffic during two phase commitment in a distributed transaction processing system. Transactional objects manage transactions in a distributed system. A coordinator object is responsible for ensuring data consistency by enforcing atomic transaction changes. Any change to one or more resources by a transaction is either made at all or none of the resources. Distributed transactions use interposition to create subordinate coordinator for domains other than the primary domain. Each subordinate coordinator controls transaction commitment of all resources within that domain via a single message sequence per coordinator. Dynamic registration of subordinate coordinator resources ensures that the subordinate coordinator is not added to the commit tree of the root coordinator unless it has recoverable resources. Dynamic registration minimizes the size of the commit tree thereby minimizing the number of messages transmitted during commitment processing.
A system and method for using the TRAN procedural transaction coordinator, from the Encina product produced by Transarc Corporation, as the core of an OMG-compliant Object Transaction Service. The method allows the object-oriented Object Transaction Service to interoperate with Encina procedural applications. The interoperation involves coordinated processing of both object oriented transactional requests and Encina procedural transactional requests. Both object oriented and procedural requests can be part of a single atomic transaction without requiring gateways between the products. A system of implementation classes are used to transform object-oriented method invocations into the necessary procedural calls. The implementation classes also accept upcalls from the procedural TRAN and transform them into the necessary Object Transaction Service method invocations.
A system and method for effectively synchronizing data in an object oriented distributed transaction processing system employing a multilevel data store. Each object that maintains first-level volatile data registers as a synchronization object if unsynchronized changes to that data exist. A register object at each node tracks synchronized objects registered for that node. Each registered synchronization object, in turn, registers with its superior node when registered synchronization objects are present. A hierarchy of registered synchronization objects and synchronization objects is thereby created. The transaction termination process transmits a pre-prepare message to the registered synchronization hierarchy providing each synchronization object an opportunity to flush its data to the second-level persistent data store. The hierarchical structure of registered objects ensures that the minimum number of messages are transmitted over the network.
A system and method for effectively synchronizing data in an object oriented distributed transaction processing system employing a multilevel data store. Each object that maintains first-level volatile data registers as a synchronization object if unsynchronized changes to that data exist. A register object at each node tracks synchronized objects registered for that node. Each registered synchronization object, in turn, registers with its superior node when registered synchronization objects are present. A hierarchy of registered synchronization objects and synchronization objects is thereby created. The transaction termination process transmits a pre-prepare message to the registered synchronization hierarchy providing each synchronization object an opportunity to flush its data to the second-level persistent data store. The hierarchical structure of registered objects ensures that the minimum number of messages are transmitted over the network.
A method and system for user-specific management of applications in a heterogeneous server environment is provided. A user may be assigned access to an application, and a user-application definition linking the selected user and the selected application is associatively stored with applications files for the selected application in a datastore on a heterogeneous server. The user-application definition may provide manageability of an application for a user of a Windows-based data processing system from a non-Windows-based server. The user-application definition may also be associatively stored with an application package that comprises user files, system files, user registries, or system registries that are used to configure a client for executing the application. The client may be configured by serving a Windows-based application specified by the user-application definition in the datastore from a non-Windows-based server to a Windows-based client.
A method for managing user group information in a distributed system comprising a heterogeneous server network. The method enables the establishment of a specified set of user groups on a managed server that are not controlled by a central server. A mechanism is provided to identify the user groups on the managed server, store the groups in a persistent location, and access the user groups during synchronization processing. Synchronization of the persistent user groups at the managed server is done only upon consultation with the persistent account store. The result is a set of user groups on the managed server that can be used to maintain special access and privileges to the persistent user group at the managed server.
A method of discovering native or non-native authentication server domains in a computer network. The various domains are "discovered" by issuing requests from the client to one or more of the servers in the network. Each response is then characterized as being from a native or non-native server, and a list of each such server type is then compiled at the client. If desired, the administrator may then apply a discovery "policy" to tailor the way in which a user may access and interact with the discovered information.