Tractor drives of a high speed printer move a length of continuous-form paper longitudinally up from a box of fanfold stacked paper, through a print mechanism and downward to refold onto a fanfold stack. A set of bead or link chains hang vertically from the printer on each respective major side of the descending paper. The chains are positioned to interact with the folding paper. The chains swing against the paper to aid in creasing the paper at the folds in the proper fanfold direction. One or more chains have pendants attached at the chain's lower swinging end. The pendants are sufficiently long, stiff and light weight to prevent the lower ends of the chains from getting caught in the refolding stack of paper which could lead to jamming the travel of paper through the tractor drives. Preferably, the pendants are produced from 7 inch long segments of approximately 25 mil. diameter piano wire, bent at mid length to form a wide tip loop that prevents the pendant from falling into sprocket holes along each longitudinal edge of the length of paper, and both ends of the wire loop are soldered to the lower end of the chain.