A method of creating and updating a binary decision tree from training databases that cannot be fit in high speed solid state memory is provided in which a subset of the training database which can fit into high speed memory is used to create a statistically good estimate of the binary decision tree desired. This statistically good estimate is used to review the entire training database in as little as one sequential scan to collect statistics necessary to verify the accuracy of the binary decision tree and to refine the binary decision tree to be identical to that which would be obtained by a full analysis of the training database.
A system and method for enabling distributed transaction processing by moving all application logic away from the server and into the client by using an optimistic concurrency control framework with client-side transaction validation including virtual full replication under a transactional programming model with full Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID) properties.
A system and method for enabling distributed transaction processing by moving all application logic away from the server and into the client by using an optimistic concurrency control framework with client-side transaction validation including virtual full replication under a transactional programming model with full Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID) properties.