Auto thumbnail gallery
    Auto thumbnail gallery 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F3/00 G06F3/048

    CPC分类号: G06F17/3089

    摘要: A tool that enables a user to easily and automatically create a photo gallery of thumbnail images on a Web page. A user selects a group of original images, and the tool automatically produces a corresponding group of thumbnail images on the Web page, with hyperlinks to the corresponding original images. Four predefined templates are included, each defining a different format for the thumbnail images including a vertically oriented gallery, a horizontally oriented gallery, a slide show gallery, and a montage gallery. Captions and descriptive text can also be entered and displayed for the thumbnail images in most of the style galleries. An edit function enables a user to add or delete images to existing galleries and to automatically modify the appearance of a photo gallery by selecting and applying a different template.

    摘要翻译: 一种使用户能够在网页上轻松自动创建缩略图的照片库的工具。 用户选择一组原始图像,并且该工具在网页上自动产生相应的缩略图组,并且将超链接到相应的原始图像。 包括四个预定义的模板,每个模板定义缩略图的不同格式,包括垂直定向的画廊,水平定向的画廊,幻灯片放映画廊和蒙太奇画廊。 也可以为大多数风格画廊中的缩略图输入和显示字幕和描述性文字。 编辑功能使用户能够通过选择和应用不同的模板来将图像添加或删除到现有画廊并自动修改照片库的外观。