Database navigation
    Database navigation 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/30595

    Abstract: Database interaction is facilitated by graphically presenting database objects in groups that are not necessarily dictated by object types of the database objects. In an example implementation, database navigation is facilitated by determining object dependency groups for a database in which each object dependency group corresponds to a database source object and includes at least those database objects that depend directly or indirectly from the corresponding database source object. When these data source object-based dependency groups are graphically displayed, selecting a database object thereof provides access thereto. In another example implementation, a user can designate an attribute associated with database objects by which the database objects are to be grouped. Thus, the database objects are grouped by various values that the user-designated associated attribute takes. These designated-attribute-based value-driven groups may also be graphically displayed to enable navigation of and access to the different database objects assigned to them.

    Abstract translation: 通过图形化地呈现不一定由数据库对象的对象类型指定的组中的数据库对象来促进数据库交互。 在示例实现中,通过确定数据库的对象依赖性组来促进数据库导航,其中每个对象依赖组对应于数据库源对象,并且至少包括那些直接或间接依赖于对应的数据库源对象的数据库对象。 当这些基于数据源的基于对象的依赖组被图形显示时,选择其数据库对象提供对其的访问。 在另一示例实现中,用户可以指定与要对数据库对象进行分组的数据库对象相关联的属性。 因此,数据库对象按照用户指定的关联属性所采用的各种值进行分组。 这些基于指定属性的值驱动组也可以以图形方式显示,以便导航和访问分配给它们的不同数据库对象。

    Database interaction
    Database interaction 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/30554 G06F3/0482 G06F17/30389 G06F17/30873

    Abstract: Database interaction is facilitated by graphically presenting database objects in groups that are not necessarily dictated by object types of the database objects. In an example implementation, database navigation is facilitated by determining object dependency groups for a database in which each object dependency group corresponds to a database source object and includes at least those database objects that depend directly or indirectly from the corresponding database source object. When these data source object-based dependency groups are graphically displayed, selecting a database object thereof provides access thereto. In another example implementation, a user can designate an attribute associated with database objects by which the database objects are to be grouped. Thus, the database objects are grouped by various values that the user-designated associated attribute takes. These designated attribute-based value-driven groups may also be graphically displayed to enable navigation of and access to the different database objects assigned to them.

    Abstract translation: 通过图形化地呈现不一定由数据库对象的对象类型指定的组中的数据库对象来促进数据库交互。 在示例实现中,通过确定数据库的对象依赖性组来促进数据库导航,其中每个对象依赖组对应于数据库源对象,并且至少包括那些直接或间接依赖于对应的数据库源对象的数据库对象。 当这些基于数据源的基于对象的依赖组被图形显示时,选择其数据库对象提供对其的访问。 在另一示例实现中,用户可以指定与要对数据库对象进行分组的数据库对象相关联的属性。 因此,数据库对象按照用户指定的关联属性所采用的各种值进行分组。 这些指定的基于属性的价值驱动组也可以以图形方式显示,以便导航和访问分配给它们的不同数据库对象。

    Getting started experience
    Getting started experience 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/248

    Abstract: A one-screen entry point to a document management program (“program”) is provided to allow a user to browse templates associated with the program. The templates can be local templates and/or online templates provided by one or more Web services. The one-screen entry point allows a user to search, browse, or download online templates, and/or create documents using the templates. Each template is identified with a template category and displayed together with templates identified with the same template category. Local templates are presented along with online templates if the local templates and the online templates are identified with the same online template category. A user or an administrator of the program can create and/or customize local templates and local template categories. A blank template is provided so a user can create custom documents for the program.

    Abstract translation: 提供到文档管理程序(“程序”)的单屏入口点,以允许用户浏览与程序相关联的模板。 模板可以是一个或多个Web服务提供的本地模板和/或在线模板。 单屏入口点允许用户使用模板搜索,浏览或下载在线模板和/或创建文档。 每个模板用模板类别标识,并与使用相同模板类别标识的模板一起显示。 如果本地模板和在线模板用相同的在线模板类别标识,本地模板将与在线模板一起显示。 程序的用户或管理员可以创建和/或自定义本地模板和本地模板类别。 提供了一个空白模板,用户可以为程序创建自定义文档。

    Database interaction
    Database interaction 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/30554 G06F3/0482 G06F17/30389 G06F17/30873

    Abstract: Database interaction is facilitated by graphically presenting database objects in groups that are not necessarily dictated by object types of the database objects. In an example implementation, database navigation is facilitated by determining object dependency groups for a database in which each object dependency group corresponds to a database source object and includes at least those database objects that depend directly or indirectly from the corresponding database source object. When these data source object-based dependency groups are graphically displayed, selecting a database object thereof provides access thereto. In another example implementation, a user can designate an attribute associated with database objects by which the database objects are to be grouped. Thus, the database objects are grouped by various values that the user-designated associated attribute takes. These designated attribute-based value-driven groups may also be graphically displayed to enable navigation of and access to the different database objects assigned to them.

    Abstract translation: 通过图形化地呈现不一定由数据库对象的对象类型指定的组中的数据库对象来促进数据库交互。 在示例实现中,通过确定数据库的对象依赖性组来促进数据库导航,其中每个对象依赖组对应于数据库源对象,并且至少包括那些直接或间接依赖于对应的数据库源对象的数据库对象。 当这些基于数据源的基于对象的依赖组被图形显示时,选择其数据库对象提供对其的访问。 在另一示例实现中,用户可以指定与要对数据库对象进行分组的数据库对象相关联的属性。 因此,数据库对象按照用户指定的关联属性所采用的各种值进行分组。 这些指定的基于属性的价值驱动组也可以以图形方式显示,以便导航和访问分配给它们的不同数据库对象。

    Getting started experience
    Getting started experience 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/248

    Abstract: A one-screen entry point to a document management program (“program”) is provided to allow a user to browse templates associated with the program. The templates can be local templates and/or online templates provided by one or more Web services. The one-screen entry point allows a user to search, browse, or download online templates, and/or create documents using the templates. Each template is identified with a template category and displayed together with templates identified with the same template category. Local templates are presented along with online templates if the local templates and the online templates are identified with the same online template category. A user or an administrator of the program can create and/or customize local templates and local template categories. A blank template is provided so a user can create custom documents for the program.

    Abstract translation: 提供到文档管理程序(“程序”)的单屏入口点,以允许用户浏览与程序相关联的模板。 模板可以是一个或多个Web服务提供的本地模板和/或在线模板。 单屏入口点允许用户使用模板搜索,浏览或下载在线模板和/或创建文档。 每个模板都使用模板类别进行标识,并与使用相同模板类别标识的模板一起显示。 如果本地模板和在线模板用相同的在线模板类别标识,本地模板将与在线模板一起显示。 程序的用户或管理员可以创建和/或自定义本地模板和本地模板类别。 提供了一个空白模板,用户可以为程序创建自定义文档。

    Database navigation
    Database navigation 有权





    CPC classification number: G06F17/30595

    Abstract: Database interaction is facilitated by graphically presenting database objects in groups that are not necessarily dictated by object types of the database objects. In an example implementation, database navigation is facilitated by determining object dependency groups for a database in which each object dependency group corresponds to a database source object and includes at least those database objects that depend directly or indirectly from the corresponding database source object. When these data source object-based dependency groups are graphically displayed, selecting a database object thereof provides access thereto. In another example implementation, a user can designate an attribute associated with database objects by which the database objects are to be grouped. Thus, the database objects are grouped by various values that the user-designated associated attribute takes. These designated-attribute-based value-driven groups may also be graphically displayed to enable navigation of and access to the different database objects assigned to them.

    Abstract translation: 通过图形化地呈现不一定由数据库对象的对象类型指定的组中的数据库对象来促进数据库交互。 在示例实现中,通过确定数据库的对象依赖性组来促进数据库导航,其中每个对象依赖组对应于数据库源对象,并且至少包括那些直接或间接依赖于对应的数据库源对象的数据库对象。 当这些基于数据源的基于对象的依赖组被图形显示时,选择其数据库对象提供对其的访问。 在另一示例实现中,用户可以指定与要对数据库对象进行分组的数据库对象相关联的属性。 因此,数据库对象按照用户指定的关联属性所采用的各种值进行分组。 这些基于指定属性的值驱动组也可以以图形方式显示,以便导航和访问分配给它们的不同数据库对象。

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