A high performance shared cache is provided to support multiprocessor systems and allow maximum parallelism in accessing the cache by the processors, servicing one processor request in each machine cycle, reducing system response time and increasing system throughput. The shared cache of the present invention uses the additional performance optimization techniques of pipelining cache operations (loads and stores) and burst-mode data accesses. By including built-in pipeline stages, the cache is enabled to service one request every machine cycle from any processing element. This contributes to reduction in the system response time as well as the throughput. With regard to the burst-mode data accesses, the widest possible data out of the cache can be stored to, and retrieved from, the cache by one cache access operation. One portion of the data is held in logic in the cache (on the chip), while another portion (corresponding to the system bus width) gets transferred to the requesting element (processor or memory) in one cycle. The held portion of the data can then be transferred in the following machine cycle.