A method for preventing a temporary traffic interruption between two client ports and the consequent state transition of the receiving port in a communication network providing for the transmission of a data stream between two clients along at least one path when a fault condition is detected in the path. The method includes the steps of monitoring the data stream directed to the receiver and, upon detecting in the data stream an error sequence capable of starting the state transition, replacing the data stream with a filling data stream to prevent the receiver from detecting an error condition, and resuming the forwarding of the received data stream after a predetermined time interval. An apparatus able to mask to the receiver for the predetermined time interval, a storage area network and a computer program product are also disclosed.
A method for preventing a temporary traffic interruption between two client ports and the consequent state transition of the receiving port in a communication network providing for the transmission of a data stream between two clients along at least one path when a fault condition is detected in the path. The method includes the steps of monitoring the data stream directed to the receiver and, upon detecting in the data stream an error sequence capable of starting the state transition, replacing the data stream with a filling data stream to prevent the receiver from detecting an error condition, and resuming the forwarding of the received data stream after a predetermined time interval. An apparatus able to mask to the receiver for the predetermined time interval, a storage area network and a computer program product are also disclosed.