Both a cascade and a multichannel joint Bayesian estimator are provided for suppressing acoustic echo. An expansion basis (Power/Fourier series) is selected to convert a sample-based input signal xt into a DFT-domain multichannel signal [Xτ,1, . . . Xτ,p]. The posterior of unknown states (e.g., mean Ŵτ and covariance Pτ of the echo path Wτ and the mean âτ and covariance Qτ of the nonlinear coefficients aτ; or channel-wise mean Ŵτ,i and multichannel covariance Pτ of a compound quantity formed by merging together the echo path Wτ and the ith nonlinear coefficient aτ,i) and model parameters θτ are estimated; and Kalman gain factor(s) Kτ are computed for optimal adaptation of the posterior of unknown states. An echo signal Ŷτ is estimated using the multichannel input signal [Xτ,1, . . . Xτ,p] and the adapted posterior; and an error signal Eτ is generated. Residual echo is suppressed by post-filtering the error signal Eτ with a weighting function ψτ which depends on the adapted posterior, and the filtered error signal ŝ′t is then transmitted to a far-end.
Both a cascade and a multichannel joint Bayesian estimator are provided for suppressing acoustic echo. An expansion basis (Power/Fourier series) is selected to convert a sample-based input signal xt into a DFT-domain multichannel signal [Xτ,1, . . . Xτ,p]. The posterior of unknown states (e.g., mean Ŵτ and covariance Pτ of the echo path Wτ and the mean âτ and covariance Qτ of the nonlinear coefficients aτ; or channel-wise mean Ŵτ,i and multichannel covariance Pτ of a compound quantity formed by merging together the echo path Wτ and the ith nonlinear coefficient aτ,i) and model parameters θτ are estimated; and Kalman gain factor(s) Kτ are computed for optimal adaptation of the posterior of unknown states. An echo signal Ŷτ is estimated using the multichannel input signal [Xτ,1, . . . Xτ,p] and the adapted posterior; and an error signal Eτ is generated. Residual echo is suppressed by post-filtering the error signal Eτ with a weighting function ψτ which depends on the adapted posterior, and the filtered error signal ŝ′t is then transmitted to a far-end.
This invention discloses an improvement to a digital Acoustic Echo Control (AEC) in hands-free telephones. It describes an additional adaptive filter referred to as a residual echo filter, which is placed after the usual echo canceller and it is used to efficiently and accurately estimate a residual echo signal b(i) and a system coupling factor β(i), which can be utilized to establish an efficient control for the AEC system and construct the appropriate filters. The invention also describes a control block means performing a joint operation control of the echo canceller, residual echo suppressor and residual echo filter for achieving more consistent echo cancellation results and enhancing output signal quality.
This invention discloses an improvement to a digital Acoustic Echo Control (AEC) in hands-free telephones. It describes an additional adaptive filter referred to as a residual echo filter, which is placed after the usual echo canceller and it is used to efficiently and accurately estimate a residual echo signal b(i) and a system coupling factor β(i), which can be utilized to establish an efficient control for the AEC system and construct the appropriate filters. The invention also describes a control block means performing a joint operation control of the echo canceller, residual echo suppressor and residual echo filter for achieving more consistent echo cancellation results and enhancing output signal quality.
This invention describes a statistical adaptive-filter controller for digital acoustic echo control in hands-free telephones for achieving more consistent echo cancellation results (i.e. higher output signal quality) and simpler realizations of AEC units. The improvement using the simple statistical adaptive-filter controller is accomplished by optimizing a joint control of an echo canceller and a postfilter.