There is disclosed a formula for preventing fungus on citrus fruits to prolong the life of the fruits after harvesting to the consumer. The formula is based on a combination of safe organic enzymes and catalysts by utilizing natural microbal action to break down carbohydrate forming cell walls by consuming and digesting the offending fungus spores, mycotoxins, bacteria and other biological pathogens on contact. The formula is either atomized in vivo or on the fruit or by a drenching method.
There is a disclosed methods application and use of a specific GRAS-approved enzymes and ingredients combination formulated to prevent and inhibit fingi and their proteins from forming on surface areas of common building materials, and to extend the time period for safer, healthier dwellings, office space, public schools, modular buildings, maritime and aviation equipment, and such, by reducing the known level of fungi and the corresponding exposure level to humans. The enzyme formula is comprised of a combination of safe, plant-and vegetable-based, fungi-derived, non-toxic organic enzymes and catalysts, which works by degrading and neutralizing the offending fungi mycelium, spores and proteins on contact. Our technology is defined as an anti-fungal resistance management technology used to control and remove fungi from common building materials. The unique, proprietary enzyme formulation is applied by identified methods to include standard spray applications, atomization, and/or fuimigation.
There is a disclosed methods application and use of a specific enzyme formulation preventing fungi and their proteins from forming on fruits and vegetables, to extend the shelf life of the fruits and vegetables from field (pre-harvest) to packing houses, processing operations, distribution points, shippers, retailers and consumers (post-harvest). The enzyme formula is comprised of a combination of safe, plant and vegetable based non-toxic organic enzymes and catalysts, and works by degrading and neutralizing the offending fungi, mycelium, spores and proteins on contact. The unique, proprietary enzyme formulation is applied by identified methods to include standard spray applications, atomization/fumigation, dipping, or soaking and drenching.