



    摘要: Method for manufacturing fluoro(hydro)carbon-substituted silicon or germanium quantum dots which comprises the steps of:—reacting a Zintl salt or intermetallic compound of post-transition metals or metalloids of silicon or germanium with a halogen-containing oxidizing agent to form halide-terminated silicon or germanium quantum dots,—reacting the halide-terminated silicon or germanium quantum dots with a fluoro(hydro)carbon agent selected from the group of metal-fluoro (hydro)carbon compounds of the formula MRq, wherein M is a metal selected from Group 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, or 14 of the periodic table of elements, q is an integer which corresponds to the valence of the metal, and R is CFnHm-fluoro/hydro-carbon, wherein n is 1 or 2, m is 0 or 1, and the total of n and m is 2, wherein each R may be the same or different, metal-fluoro (hydro)carbon halide compounds of the formula NQaRp wherein N is a metal selected from Group 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, or 14 of the periodic table of elements, Q is a halogen selected from F, Cl, Br, or I, wherein each Q may be the same or different, a and p are integers in the range of 1-3, and the total of a and p corresponds to the valence of the metal, and R is as defined above, and metal-fluoro (hydro)carbon compounds of the formula CuR2Li, wherein R is as defined above, to form fluoro(hydro)carbon-substituted silicon or germanium quantum dots. The method makes it possible to obtain quantum dots with a tailored emission spectrum with high quality in a stable process. The particles obtained by this process are also claimed.