Seal device for conduit in a fuel dispensing unit
    Seal device for conduit in a fuel dispensing unit 有权





    CPC classification number: F16L5/10 H02G3/22

    Abstract: Embodiments of seal device prevent migration of vapor into compartments that house electronics in a fuel dispensing unit. These embodiments deploy about conduits in a vapor barrier to seal gaps between the conduit and opening in plates of the vapor barrier and/or other components that separate the electronics from fuel-handing components. In one or more embodiments, the sealing device forms a radial seal about the conduit and a planar seal with the vapor barrier, where the sealing device is configured to maintain the planar seal and to allow relative movement of the conduit with respect to the vapor barrier in the opening. This relative movement can occur as a result of connection of the conduit to the fuel-handling components, e.g., a motor that can change position due to operation and/or natural settling of the support structure that supports the motor in the dispensing unit.

    Abstract translation: 密封装置的实施例防止蒸汽迁移到容纳燃料分配单元中的电子装置的隔室中。 这些实施例部署在蒸气屏障中的管道上,以密封导管与蒸气阻挡件的板中的开口之间的间隙和/或将电子装置与燃料处理部件分开的其他部件。 在一个或多个实施例中,密封装置围绕导管形成径向密封,并且具有带有蒸气阻挡层的平面密封,其中密封装置构造成保持平面密封并允许导管相对于蒸气阻挡层的相对运动 在开幕 这种相对运动可以通过将导管连接到燃料处理部件,例如由于在分配单元中支撑电动机的支撑结构的操作和/或自然沉降而改变位置的电动机而发生。

    Device for Handling a Hose and a Fuel Dispensing Unit Having Such a Device
    Device for Handling a Hose and a Fuel Dispensing Unit Having Such a Device 有权





    CPC classification number: F16L3/1218 B67D7/04 B67D7/403 B67D7/406 B67D7/84

    Abstract: Embodiments of the invention are based on the idea of providing a device for handling a hose and a fuel dispensing unit having such a device. This is basically achieved by an elastic element that is adapted to extend within a frame element and to be guided by a guiding element, and by a hose guiding member which is movable away from said frame element allowing said hose to be pulled from an idle position to an operating position when said elastic element is extended.

    Abstract translation: 本发明的实施例基于提供用于处理软管的装置和具有这种装置的燃料分配单元的想法。 这基本上通过弹性元件实现,该弹性元件适于在框架元件内延伸并由引导元件引导,并且可由远离所述框架元件移动的软管引导元件实现,从而允许所述软管从空闲位置 当所述弹性元件延伸时到达操作位置。

    Device for handling a hose and a fuel dispensing unit having such a device
    Device for handling a hose and a fuel dispensing unit having such a device 有权





    CPC classification number: F16L3/1218 B67D7/04 B67D7/403 B67D7/406 B67D7/84

    Abstract: Embodiments of the invention are based on the idea of providing a device for handling a hose and a fuel dispensing unit having such a device. This is basically achieved by an elastic element that is adapted to extend within a frame element and to be guided by a guiding element, and by a hose guiding member which is movable away from said frame element allowing said hose to be pulled from an idle position to an operating position when said elastic element is extended.

    Abstract translation: 本发明的实施例基于提供用于处理软管的装置和具有这种装置的燃料分配单元的想法。 这基本上通过弹性元件实现,该弹性元件适于在框架元件内延伸并由引导元件引导,并且可由远离所述框架元件移动的软管引导元件实现,从而允许所述软管从空闲位置 当所述弹性元件延伸时到达操作位置。

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