Methods and systems herein provide for CMYK color conversion of input image data while preserving K color values during the conversion process. A color management module is operable to convert input image data from one color space to a CMYK color space. For example, the color management module may convert the image data of one device operating in a CMYK color space to a CMYK color space of another device. In doing so, the color management module preserves or maintains the K color values of the input image data during the CMYK to CMYK color conversion. The color management module may implement such by modifying input and output ICC profiles and interpolating the perceptual lightness values of the input ICC profile within the output lookup table.
Methods and systems herein provide for CMYK color conversion of input image data while preserving K color values during the conversion process. A color management module is operable to convert input image data from one color space to a CMYK color space. For example, the color management module may convert the image data of one device operating in a CMYK color space to a CMYK color space of another device. In doing so, the color management module preserves or maintains the K color values of the input image data during the CMYK to CMYK color conversion. The color management module may implement such by modifying input and output ICC profiles and interpolating the perceptual lightness values of the input ICC profile within the output lookup table.