The present invention provides enthalpy exchanger elements (E, E') and enthalpy exchangers comprising such elements. Furthermore, the invention discloses a method for producing such enthalpy exchanger elements and enthalpy exchangers, comprising the steps of a) providing an air-permeable sheet element (1); b) laminating at least one side (1a, 1b) of the sheet element (1) with a thin polymer film (3, 4) with water vapor transmission characteristics; and c) forming the laminated sheet element (1) into a desired shape exhibiting a three-dimensional corrugation pattern (5, 5,...)·
The present invention provides enthalpy exchanger elements (E, E', PR, PF) and enthalpy exchangers comprising such elements. Furthermore, the invention discloses a method for producing such enthalpy exchanger elements and enthalpy exchangers, comprising the steps of a) providing an air-permeable sheet element (1); b) laminating at least one side (1a, 1b) of the sheet element (1) with a thin polymer film (3, 4) with water vapor transmission characteristics; and c) forming the laminated sheet element (1) into a desired shape exhibiting a three-dimensional corrugation pattern (5, 5,...).
Die Erfindung betrifft ein System zur Belüftung, insbesondere zur Klimatisierung, von Räumen, welches in eine Wand, insbesondere eine eine Außenwand, eines Hauses durchgreifende Ausnehmung einsetzbar ist, aufweisend ein Rohr, in welchem ein Wärmetauscher angeordnet ist, und aufweisend eine das Rohr einendseitig teilweise verschließende plattenartige Luftführung, die einen Lufteinlass für in das Rohr einzuströmende Luft und einen Luftauslass für aus dem Rohr auszuströmende Luft aufweist, und aufweisend eine Strömungseinrichtung mit einer Strömungsmaschine, wobei die Strömungseinrichtung einen Temperaturkörper aufweist, der auf der rohrentfernten Seite der Luftführung luftauslassseitig angeordnet ist.
The invention relates to a heat exchanger block 2 and to a heat recovery ventilation unit 1 comprising such a heat exchanger block. In the heat exchanger block 2, the individual flow cross-section (Q1) of flow passages of said plurality of first air flow passages (AFP1) in said parallel flow region (PF) and the individual flow cross-section (Q2) of flow passages of said plurality of second air flow passages (AFP2) in said parallel flow region (PF) gradually, preferably linearly, decrease along a straight line (x-x) perpendicular to the parallel air flow passages (AFP1 and AFP2) and from said first wall (W1) to said second wall (W2) of the block.
Method for providing a heat exchanger block (B) with a housing (H), said heat exchanger block (B) comprising at least a first outer surface region (B1) and a second outer surface region (B2) opposite said first outer surface region (B1), said housing (H) comprising at least a first housing portion (W1) covering/engaging said first outer surface region (B1) of said heat exchanger block (B) and a second housing portion (W2) opposite said first housing portion (W1) and covering/engaging said second outer surface region (B2) of said heat exchanger block (B), said method comprising at least the following steps: a) moulding said first housing portion (W1) to said first outer surface region (B1); and b) moulding said second housing portion (W2) to said second outer surface region (B2).
The invention relates to a heat exchanger block 2 and to a heat recovery ventilation unit 1 comprising such a heat exchanger block. In the heat exchanger block 2, the individual flow cross-section (Q1) of flow passages of said plurality of first air flow passages (AFP1) in said parallel flow region (PF) and the individual flow cross-section (Q2) of flow passages of said plurality of second air flow passages (AFP2) in said parallel flow region (PF) gradually, preferably linearly, decrease along a straight line (x-x) perpendicular to the parallel air flow passages (AFP1 and AFP2) and from said first wall (W1) to said second wall (W2) of the block.
The invention relates to a heat exchanger block 2 and to a heat recovery ventilation unit 1 comprising such a heat exchanger block. In the heat exchanger block 2, the individual flow cross-section (Q1) of flow passages of said plurality of first air flow passages (AFP1) in said parallel flow region (PF) and the individual flow cross-section (Q2) of flow passages of said plurality of second air flow passages (AFP2) in said parallel flow region (PF) gradually, preferably linearly, decrease along a straight line (x-x) perpendicular to the parallel air flow passages (AFP1 and AFP2) and from said first wall (W1) to said second wall (W2) of the block.
• a plurality of first flow ducts and a plurality of second flow ducts adjacent to the plurality of first flow ducts for exchanging heat energy between first flows passing through the plurality of first flow ducts and second flows passing through the plurality of second flow ducts; • a parallel flow region where flow passages and directions of the first flows of the plurality of first flow ducts and adjacent flow passages and directions of the second flows of the plurality of second flow ducts are arranged in locally or tangentially parallel relationship with respect to each other at least in a portion of the parallel flow region and are fluidly separated by wall portions from each other; • wherein a cross section of the wall portions of the parallel flow region orthogonal to a local flow passage direction of the parallel flow region is a grid-like pattern.
Die Erfindung betrifft ein Tauscherelement (1) zur Verwendung an Bord eines Fahrzeugs, insbesondere für eine Fahrgastkabine und/oder den Motorraum eines Fahrzeugs. Das Tauscherelement hat einen Abluft-Strömungsweg (2) sowie einen Zuluft-Strömungsweg (3), wobei der Abluft-Strömungsweg und der Zuluft-Strömungsweg durch Trennwand-Abschnitte voneinander getrennt sind, welche Wärme übertragende Wandbereiche aufweisen. Der Abluft-Strömungsweg (2) bildet eine Fluidverbindung vom Innern des Fahrzeugs zur äusseren Umgebung des Fahrzeugs. Der Zuluft-Strömungsweg (3) bildet eine Fluidverbindung von der äusseren Umgebung des Fahrzeugs zu einem Ort an Bord des Fahrzeugs. Erfindungsgemäss ist das Tauscherelement (1) in eine Packung (4) eingebettet, deren äussere Oberflächenform komplementär zu den inneren Abmessungen eines Bauraums an Bord des Fahrzeugs für den Einbau des Tauscherelements (1) ist.
Enthalpy exchanger elements which allow the creation of enthalpy exchangers whereby the efficiency of sensible energy exchange and latent energy exchange can be varied and controlled and especially improved. Also, a method for the production of enthalpy exchanger elements including: • a) perforating a flat plate element (1) according to a predetermined perforation pattern (2, 2,...) within the plate outer dimensions, or providing a plate element (1) with an inherent pore structure; • b) applying to at least one side (1a) of the plate element (1) a thin polymer film (3) with water vapor transmission characteristics; • c) forming the plate element (1) into a desired shape exhibiting a corrugation pattern (4, 4,...), whereby the polymer film (3) is formed into the same corrugation pattern shape as that of the plate element (1).