The body of the coffin is poured with plastic together with the perforating bottom so, that the wall under the bottom has two steps. On the first step the wired network is fixed and on the other 2-3 mm thick cardboard paper is glued. The cover is connected to the body by the coak and between them the rubber gasket is foreseen.
Filtro ecológico formado por arcillas y carbones activos puros no vegetales, mezclados dentro de una bolsa de tejido orgánico y biodegradable, que se pega al cuerpo, destinada al acondicionamiento y conservación de cadáveres, restos humanos y restos cadavéricos que resuelve los problemas de gases, olores, compuestos orgánicos volátiles y expulsión de lixiviados derivados de los procesos de putrefacción y descomposición de dichos restos.
A containment device (1) for storing a body of a deceased person in a coffin. The device comprises a liquid impermeable envelope (2), fastening means (4) for closing an opening (5) in the envelope after the body has been placed therein and a gas outlet means (8) to allow for egress of gases from the envelope when closed.
The invention relates to an absorption mat, comprising at least a biodegradable bottom layer which is impermeable to fluid, a biodegradable intermediate layer with odour-absorbing and fluid-absorbing constituents, and a biodegradable top layer which is permeable to fluid, which absorption mat during decomposition, in particular during incineration, does not release hazardous waste substances, and which absorption mat has an absorbency of at least 4 litres of body fluid per square metre of absorption mat. The invention also relates to the use of an absorption mat as an absorbent layer in a coffin, and to the use of an absorption mat as the removable cover of a bed or seat for humans or animals with incontinence problems, and to the use of an absorption mat as the removable cover of an operating table, dissecting table or stretcher.
An absorbent core assembly for use in a product for absorbing a liquid is disclosed. The core assembly has a first section and a second section. The first section is a quilted porous material that contains a slow acting but high absorption capacity SAP therein. The, second section is a quilted porous material that contains a fast acting but lower absorption capacity SAP therein. The first and second sections are in fluid communication with each other, whereupon a liquid which is exposed to the core assembly flows through the first section to the fast acting SAP in the second section to be absorbed quickly and rapidly by the fast acting SAP therein, while the slow acting SAP desorbs or takes liquid away from the fast acting SAP as well as absorbing the liquid itself to thereby trap the liquid in the core assembly.
A hazardous material containment bag and bag system for handling and transporting contaminated material or human remains is provided. The bag has a multi-layered structure that minimizes contamination by a chemical, biological, radiological and/or toxicological agent. The bag has an absorbent and/or adsorbent layer, which will help keep any hazardous components dissolved in bodily fluids immobilized inside the bag. The bag also has an active agent in at least one layer individually selected to neutralize or trap more than one type of contaminant. A bag system is also provided having an inner bag and a separate outer bag with the inner bag being a multi-layered structure having an absorbent material, which will help immobilize hazardous liquid, bodily fluids, and/or gases emanating from a contaminant enclosed in the inner bag. A method for using the hazardous material containment bag and bag system is also provided.
Предлагается саркофаг (1) для подводных захоронений в водоеме, включающий: корпус (2), выполненный жестким, удлиненным и водонепроницаем; полость корпуса, выполненную в корпусе для помещения в нее тела мертвого человека; и проем, выполненный в одном из элементов корпуса и позволяющий полости корпуса сообщаться с внешним пространством. Новым является то, что в конструкцию саркофага (1) дополнительно входит фильтр, установленный в проеме и содержащий фильтрующий пористый наполнитель (10, 14), способный пропускать воду водоема в полость корпуса и выпускать ее обратно и являющийся субстратом для бактерий, микроорганизмов и/или микроскопических гидробионтов, способных питаться продуктами разложения тканей тела человека и/или их производными. Также заявляется фильтр для фильтрации воды, выходящей из полости корпуса саркофага (1), содержащий перфорированные ограждения (11) и фильтрующий пористый наполнитель (10, 14) между ними, который является субстратом для бактерий, микроорганизмов и/или микроскопических гидробионтов, способных питаться продуктами разложения тканей тела человека и/или их производными. Изобретение позволяет предотвратить загрязнение водоема продуктами разложения.
Provided is a bag device (10) for storing a body. The device (10) includes substantially elongate upper and lower impervious flexible panel members (14,16) each having opposed side edges and opposed ends (18,20). Respectively side edges of the members (14,16) are formed integrally therealong, and the members (14,16) are movable to form a cavity (22) for storing the body. The end (18) is closed and the end (20) is normally open so that can be inserted into the cavity (22). The members (14,16) are laminates of thermoplastic sheets (46A-46D) and the open end (20) can be sealed by appliction of heat to the thermoplastic sheets (46A-46D) at the open end (20). Thus, the cavity (22) with the body therein can be hermetically sealed. Pressure release valves (24, 26) are fixed to the member (14) so that any excess pressure in the cavity (22) due to body decomposition is released to the atmosphere. A blanket (50) having layered satchels (52) of fluid absorbent materials is positioned in the cavity (22) to absorb fluid produced during body decomposition.
A method of using a mortuary article (10) where the method includes positioning the mortuary article in a cavity of a corpse. The mortuary article (10) includes a liquid permeable layer (13) and a hot melt superabsorbent polymer composition (15) that includes thermoplastic polymer and superabsorbent polymer. The hot melt superabsorbent polymer composition (15) is optionally in the form of a shaped mass.