US20050180221A1 Data storage unit, data storage controlling apparatus and method, and data storage controlling program 失效

Data storage unit, data storage controlling apparatus and method, and data storage controlling program
A data storage unit is provided in which all data are stored into a memory including a plurality of memory banks and a plurality of desired data is read simultaneously, without any load to the hardware. It includes a memory controlling means including a data storage controller (20), data read controller 30 and data move controller (40), for judging, based on an access pattern representing a plurality of desired data to be read simultaneously when storing data sequentially into the memory with the data being divided among the plurality of memory banks of the memory, whether the data going to be stored are ones at locations corresponding to the access pattern, and storing all data at the locations corresponding to the access pattern into different memory banks by skipping a memory bank in which the data is to be stored, by incrementing its address, when the data to be read simultaneously are ones at the locations corresponding to the access pattern, and storing data at the locations corresponding to the access pattern into the memory bank having the bank address thereof incremented. The memory controlling means provides a control to read a plurality of desired data simultaneously from a memory (10).