
Control Apparatus for Multi-Cylinder Internal Combustion Engine
Provided is a control apparatus for a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine equipped with fuel injection valves provided respectively for the cylinders including: a revolution measuring means for measuring a revolution speed for a predetermined angle for each cylinder; an inter-cylinder revolution-difference calculating means for calculating, from the measured revolution speed, a difference in revolution speed between a cylinder of current explosion and a cylinder of the previous explosion; an injection amount correcting means for adjusting the average amount of injection of the fuel injection valves of all the cylinders in accordance with the inter-cylinder differences in revolution speed after the cold start of the engine calculated by the inter-cylinder revolution-difference calculating means; an inter-cylinder revolution-difference averaging means for averaging the differences in revolution speed, calculated by the inter-cylinder revolution-difference calculating means, each between the cylinder of current explosion and the cylinder of the previous explosion; and a torque adjusting means for adjusting the torque of each cylinder so that the average value of the inter-cylinder revolution differences calculated by the inter-cylinder revolution-difference averaging means can be reduced close to zero.