Permeable Wall Encapsulation Mold
A mold for encapsulating an electrical component. The mold includes an encapsulation chamber and an air inlet. The encapsulation chamber is defined by a housing, an open top, and a solid bottom. The housing includes a solid outer wall, a permeable inner wall, and an air chamber between the solid outer wall and the inner wall. The air inlet is configured to introduce a gas into the air chamber. The encapsulation chamber is sized and shaped to receive the electrical component while leaving a gap for the introduction of encapsulant around the electrical component. The encapsulant may be silicone rubber. To remove an encapsulated electrical component, pressurized air may be introduced through the air inlet into the air chamber, passing through the permeable inner wall, separating the outer surface of the encapsulant from the housing, and allowing the combination casting to be removed from the mold.