US4114363A Electronic timepiece 失效

Electronic timepiece
An electronic timepiece having circuitry for automatically adjusting the time rate by comparing same to a randomly selected reference, is provided. A timing rate circuit includes an oscillator for producing a high frequency time standard signal and a divider for producing a low frequency timekeeping signal. The divider includes a plurality of series-connected divider stages, each divider stage being adapted to produce an intermediate frequency signal. A counter is provided for receiving the low frequency timekeeping signal and producing an elapsed time signal representative of time counted thereby. The instant invention is particularly characterized by an error counter coupled to one of the divider stages for receiving an intermediate frequency signal produced thereby for a randomly selected reference period. A reference counter is coupled to the counter in order to receive one of the elapsed time signals produced thereby for the randomly selected reference period and in response thereto is adapted to produce a reference count signal. A processing circuit is adapted to compare the error signal and reference count signal and in response thereto is adapted to apply a frequency adjusting signal to the timing rate circuit to regulate the timing rate of the low frequency timekeeping signal produced by the divider.