US5005655A Partially halogenated ethane solvent removal of oleophylic materials from mineral particles 失效

Partially halogenated ethane solvent removal of oleophylic materials
from mineral particles
1,1-dichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane or 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane are employed as solvents to remove oleophylic material from mineral particulates. In one aspect the method of this invention includes the steps of transporting oil-based mud-laden cuttings to a solid feed tank wherein the oil-based cuttings are subjected to turbulent mixing to leave the surface of the cuttings substantially free of oil. The cuttings are then subjected to countercurrent flow of solvent in order to separate oily solvent and fines smaller than a chosen diameter from the heavier solids. The heavier solids are cleaned of any remaining oil-based muds, separated from cleaning solvent and ultimately returned to the sea environment.