Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Hydraulic control device
- Patent Title (中): 液压控制装置
Application No.: US691239Application Date: 1991-04-25
Publication No.: US5191826APublication Date: 1993-03-09
- Inventor: Rudolf Brunner
- Applicant: Rudolf Brunner
- Applicant Address: DEX
- Assignee: Heilmeier & Weinlein Fabrik fur Oel-Hydraulik
- Current Assignee: Heilmeier & Weinlein Fabrik fur Oel-Hydraulik
- Current Assignee Address: DEX
- Priority: DEX4021347 19900705; EPX91101694 19910207
- Main IPC: B66C13/18
- IPC: B66C13/18 ; B66C23/82 ; F15B11/00 ; F15B13/01
In the case of a hydraulic control device for an oscillating load moving system comprising a double-acting hydroconsumer (V), which is adapted to be selectively connected to a pressure source (P) or to a reservoir (T) via two separate main lines (9, 10) and a control valve (C), and further comprising a load supporting valve (H), which is arranged in at least one main line (10) between the control valve (C) and the hydroconsumer (V) and which is adapted to be opened from the other main line (9) via a pilot line (16), a damping device (X), which consists of a bypass line (23) and an interference throttle aperture (D2), is connected to the pilot line (16) of the load supporting valve (H). The pilot line (16) has provided therein a throttle aperture (D1) which is smaller than the interference throttle aperture (D2).
Public/Granted literature
- US5628276A Tip-resistant outdoor pet feeding or watering dish Public/Granted day:1997-05-13
Information query