US5298304A Adhesive tapes for tape automated bonding 失效

Adhesive tapes for tape automated bonding
This invention relates to an adhesive tape for tape automated bonding (TAB). A first type of the adhesive tape for TAB according to the invention has a protective film and an adhesive layer laminated on an organic-insulating film. This adhesive layer is characterized by comprising at least resol-type phenol resin and polyamide resin, wherein from 2 to 35% of said resol-type resin is contained in the adhesive layer. A second type of the adhesive tape for TAB according to the invention has a protective film and an adhesive layer laminated on an organic-insulating film. This adhesive layer is characterized by having at least two layers: one comprising at least polyamide resin and being laminated on one surface of said organic-insulating film and; other comprising at least polyamide resin and resol-type resin and being laminated on other surface of said protective film.