Invention Grant
US5362493A Preparation of redox polymer cathodes for thin film rechargeable
- Patent Title: Preparation of redox polymer cathodes for thin film rechargeable batteries
- Patent Title (中): 制备用于薄膜可充电电池的氧化还原聚合物阴极
Application No.: US913412Application Date: 1992-07-15
Publication No.: US5362493APublication Date: 1994-11-08
- Inventor: Terje A. Skotheim , Hung S. Lee , Yoshiyuki Okamoto
- Applicant: Terje A. Skotheim , Hung S. Lee , Yoshiyuki Okamoto
- Applicant Address: DC Washington
- Assignee: Associated Universities, Inc.
- Current Assignee: Associated Universities, Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: DC Washington
- Main IPC: H01M4/137
- IPC: H01M4/137 ; H01M4/60 ; H01M10/052 ; H01M10/0565 ; H01M4/04
The present invention relates to the manufacture of thin film solid state electrochemical devices using composite cathodes comprising a redox polymer capable of undergoing oxidation and reduction, a polymer solid electrolyte and conducting carbon. The polymeric cathode material is formed as a composite of radiation crosslinked polymer electrolytes and radiation crosslinked redox polymers based on polysiloxane backbones with attached organosulfur side groups capable of forming sulfur-sulfur bonds during electrochemical oxidation.
Public/Granted literature
- US6111155A Method of producing gas hydrate in two or more hydrate forming regions Public/Granted day:2000-08-29
Information query