Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Encapsulated liquid crystal structures, apparatus containing the same, and methods therefor
- Patent Title (中): 封装液晶结构体,含有其的装置及其方法
Application No.: US28497Application Date: 1993-03-09
Publication No.: US5427713APublication Date: 1995-06-27
- Inventor: Mark F. Wartenberg , Harriette Atkins , Robert H. Reamey , Laurence Welsh , James Strain , Janusz Wojtowicz , Wayne Montoya , Paul S. Drzaic , John Havens , Akira Tomita , Aldrich N. K. Lau
- Applicant: Mark F. Wartenberg , Harriette Atkins , Robert H. Reamey , Laurence Welsh , James Strain , Janusz Wojtowicz , Wayne Montoya , Paul S. Drzaic , John Havens , Akira Tomita , Aldrich N. K. Lau
- Applicant Address: CA Menlo Park
- Assignee: Raychem Corporation
- Current Assignee: Raychem Corporation
- Current Assignee Address: CA Menlo Park
- Main IPC: G02F1/1334
- IPC: G02F1/1334 ; C09K19/02 ; C09K19/54 ; C09K19/58 ; G02F1/1333 ; G02F1/137 ; G02F1/13
A liquid crystal display is made from an encapsulated liquid crystal structure comprising a liquid crystal composition dispersed in a containment medium. Selected additives may be added to the encapsulated liquid crystal structure to improve performance characteristics such as the operating field, the hysteresis, and the voltage holding ratio.
Public/Granted literature
- US5896278A Non-contact electric power transmission apparatus Public/Granted day:1999-04-20
Information query