US5512421A Generation, concentration and efficient transfer of VSV-G pseudotyped retroviral vectors 失效

Generation, concentration and efficient transfer of VSV-G pseudotyped
retroviral vectors
The present application discloses retrovirus-derived vectors in which the retroviral envelope glycoprotein has been replaced by the G glycoprotein of vesicular stomatitis virus, and the use of these vectors in the transfer of exogenous genes into the cells of a wide variety of non-mammalian organisms. Also disclosed is a method for the generation of retroviral vectors in high titers, wherein a recombinant, stable host cell line is provided which harbors the retroviral vector of interest without envelope protein. High-titer retroviral vector production is initiated by introducing nucleic acid encoding a functional membrane-associated protein into the cell line. The vectors disclosed in the present application can be concentrated by ultracentrifugation to titers greater than 10.sup.9 cfu/ml which are especially useful in human gene therapy trials, and can also infect cells, such as hamster and fish cells, that are ordinarily resistant to infection with vectors containing the retroviral envelope protein.